2017-04-11 Update with CDY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\04 - April (April 3-30)\Week of April 10\CD Apr 11\2017-04-11 Update with CD.docx
Agenda for BOCC Update
Department: Community Development Date: 04/11/2017 Time: 9:00am End: 10:00 am Present: Commissioner, Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Lee Napier,
Graham Gowing, and Cheryl McGee Note Taker: Graham Gowing Issues from previous meeting(s): Covered below
Updates and Hot Topics: i) Permit Process and Tracking. - Cheryl presented the Commissioners with the old and new formats of the permit statistics comparisons. Cheryl and Lee discussed the changes to the new tracking tools (for example, not including the
bar graphs in order to keep the pertinent information on a single
page). Commissioner Jackson likes the turnaround time of two weeks for an approval of a basic permit.
2) Other points of discussion from the Board of County Commissioners - Commissioner Stamper asked if/when a house burns down, does the structure go through a code enforcement investigation. Lee indicated she is thinking about issuing a letter to the affected party
offering help from Community Development (if possible) in the their
time of need. Commissioner Jackson asked about an interlocal agreement with the County and the Port of Chehalis. Lee clarified the ILA is between the City of Chehalis and Lewis County. There will be more discussion about this in future CD updates.