Notice: 2015 county road construction projects by County Forces AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON SS COUNTY OF LEWIS Amanda Curry,says that she is the legal clerk of Cbt ebronitk a semi-weekly newspaper, which has been established, published in the English language,and circulated continuously as a semi-weekly newspaper in the City of NOTICE OF 2015 COUNTY Centralia,and in said County and State,and of FORCES ROAD CONSTRUCTION general circulation in said county for more than six (6) —Notioe,is hereby given that,L ii&.County's adopted months prior to the date of the first publication of the 2015-2020 Six Year Transportation Improvement' Notice hereto attached, and that the said Chronicle was Program and 2015 Annual Construction Program lists portions of 2015 construction projects to be on the 7th day of July 1941,approved as a legal constructed by County Forces. Any construction newspaper by the Superior Court of said Lewis I performed f the work exc exceeds must be published in one County. issue of a newspaper of general circulation in the And that the attached is a true copy and was published county prior to construction. The Board of County Commissioners has determined that the following in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of County Forces project funds are to be expended in the 7 said newspaper as Legal# 0//C calendar year 2015,for the estimated costs shown and are hereby published in compliance with RCW 36.77.070 once each fora period of C.R.P. COUNTY FORCES NO. NAME OF PROJECT COSTS CMSeetrtilre ______,da ____ 2172 2015 Countywide 3R Program $1,100,000 2173 2015 Countywide Misc.Safety&Guardrail $25,000 co me cing on the 2133 Roundtree Road Slide Repair $150,000 $1$,275 000 lh 2015 *Costs shown do not include engineering,ngi less than right $10,000.way day ,' �� 2� expenses,or County Forces 1 L#0113 January 6,2015 Published in The Chronicle and ending on the lipday o LI )f " 2015 and both dated inclusive,and that such ,N spaper was regularly distributed to its subs ribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of 35 Leo tiíLLL aI S .scribed and swo to e this 1 /' a of( a E.di y `, 'i 15 ���I11111///i�' 4-1 ��� HER.. ,�0�■ _ ��1 r ' i e� .t--QT.' y��j i Notary Public in and for the State of Washington — 9 >!(-1 G , m: - residing at ad ia:� Z/0 a C5 fes 2` \ O''� / TON`\\ I l l l l l ,