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Call for bids; Solid Waste tipping floor scale project
IT- oi( d.i/J AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON} SS COUNTY OF LEWIS NOTICE TO by request) to allow pro I affirmatively insure that in Amanda Curry,says that she is the legal clerk of CONTRACTORS spective bidders to take any contract entered into ' P '�� measurements and gather pursuant to this advertise itit NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- additional information nec ment, disadvantaged busi-i EN that the Board of essary to bid the contract Hess enterprises as de County Commissioners of at the Solid Waste Tipping fined at 49 CFR Part 26 a semi-weekly newspaper, which has been established, Lewis County or designee, Floor Facility, 1411 South will be afforded full oppor- published in the English language,and circulated will open sealed proposals Tower Avenue, Centralia, tunity to submit bids in and publicly read them Washington, for the Solid res onse to this invitation continuously as a semi-weekly newspaper in the City of aloud on or after 11:30 Waste Tipping Floor Scale p Centralia,and in said County and State,and of a.m. on Tuesday, Febru- Project. Any bidder not and will not be discrimina- ary 24, 2015, at the Lewis attending the pre-bid led against on the grounds general circulation in said county for more than six (6) County Courthouse Che- conference shall be con- of race, color, or national months prior to the date of the first publication of the halis, Washington, for the sidered Non-Responsible origin, or sex in considera- Rebid Solid Waste Tipping and the Proposal shall be tion for an award. Notice hereto attached, and that the said Chronicle was Floor Scale Project. rejected. Any Manufac- on the 7th day of July 1941,approved as a legal turer or Representative PUBLISH: The Chronicle- newspaper by the Superior Court of said Lewis SEALED BIDS MUST that attended the Novem- January 27, 2015 and County. BE DELIVERED ber 20, 2014 Pre-Bid February 3,2015 of Com- And BY OR BEFORE meeting will have satis- Daily Journals And that the attached is a true copy and was published 11:00 A,M.on Tuesday, fied this requirement. merce (Seattle and February 24,2015 Portland)- January 28, in regular issues (and not in supp/�ly t form) of (Lewis County official time All bid proposals shall be 2015 and February 4,2015 said newspaper as Legal # (1 is displayed on Axxess 'accompanied by a bid Lewis County website @ Intertel phones in the proposal deposit in cash, www•lewiscountywa.gov/ / )D f," office of the Board of certified check, cashier's L#0150 January 27 & once each W-4-4-15?for a period of County Commissioners. check or surety bond in an February 3,2015 Ad.,/ Bids submitted after amount equal to five per- Published in The Chronicle Consecutive 11:00 AM will not be I cent(5%)of the amount of considered such bid proposal. Should for this project.) the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract commencing on the Sealed proposals must be and furnish satisfactory /�� delivered to the Clerk of performance bond within C the Board of Lewis County the time stated in the dog z day 015 Commissioners (351 N.W. specifications, the bid pro- North Street, Room 210, posal deposit shall be CMS-01, Chehalis, Wash- forfeited to the Lewis anciditig on the ington 98532), by or before County Public Works De- i 11:00 A.M. on the date partment. specified for opening, and day of 115 and both in an envelope clearly Informational copies of dated inclusive,and that such n lapel was marked: "SEALED REBID � maps, plans and specifica- regularly distributed to its subscribers during all FOR THE SOLID WASTE tions are on file for inspec- TIPPING FLOOR SCALE tion in the office of the of said period.That the full amount of the fee PROJECT, TO BE County Engineer of Lewis charged for the fore ojng publication is the sum of OPENED ON OR AFTER County in Chehalis. Wash- 11.30 bC7© 11:30 A.M. ON FEBRU- ' ington. The contract docu- ARY ARY 24,2015. ments may be viewed and $ I downloaded from Lewis Date and Time .County's Web Site @ f jof Ma ndatory www.lewiscountywa.gov/. Pre-Bid Conference Public Works or Solid The Lewis County Public I Waste Representatives will Works Department in ac- 1 Subscribed and sw to me this hold a mandatory on-site cordance with Title VI of Pre-Bid conference (date the Civil Rights Act of /K/ ! f 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 day o1y, f .415 0,011111/1/ U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 .� ®\,'° P`NE `i and Title 49, Code of ��� � `,,, °.► Federal Regulations, De- partment fly A, , ."� f.` •-.4,01 1Q ..5,,°,„ partment of Transportation, '<: v� -5,•S' f subtitle A, Office of the NOT v;� ,r Secretary, Part 21, nondis- Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, = * ; P� �'T k u):13 E crimination in Federally as- residing at w � •?;Q 8L IC �` sisted programs of the ® y • � . )4,..,:z Department of Transporta- ;,, 44 yp1`; STATE OF WASHINGTON--KING COUNTY --ss. 319851 No. Lewis Co.Commissioners Affidavit of Publication The undersigned,on oath states that he is an authorized representative of The Daily Journal of Commerce,a daily newspaper,which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in Seattle,King County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of this newspaper.The Daily Journal of Commerce was on the 12th day of June, 1941,approved as a legal newspaper by the Superior Court of King County. The notice in the exact form annexed,was published in regular issues of The Daily Journal of Commerce,which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period.The annexed notice,a BC:SOLID WASTE FL SCALE was published on 01/28/15 02/04/15 The amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum o x.30 which amount has been paid inikiii,ttittttt1 A..414•11‘ QS) voiatilt ED, SOT ��pf Subscribed.nd swor . before me on 02/04/2015 �� _ 1?: , Notary public for the State of Washington, residing in Seattle Affidavit of Publication State of Washington, King County Lewis County Rebid Solid Waste Tipping Floor Scale Project Bid Date:Feb.24 Representative that attended NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS the November 20,2014 Pre-Bid NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN meeting will have satisfied that the Board of County this requirement. Commissioners of Lewis County All bid proposals shall be or designee,will open sealed pro- accompanied by a bid proposal posals and publicly read them deposit in cash, certified check, aloud on or after 11:30 a.m. on cashier's check or surety bond in Tuesday, February 24, 2015, an amount equal to five percent at the Lewis County Courthouse, (5%)of the amount of such bid pro- Chehalis, Washington, for the posal. Should the successful bid- Rebid Solid Waste Tipping Floor der fail to enter into such contract Scale Project. and furnish satisfactory perfor- SEALED BIDS MUST BE mance bond within the time stat- DELIVERED BY OR BEFORE ed in the specifications, the bid 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, proposal deposit shall be forfeited February 24,2015 to the Lewis County Public Works (Lewis County official time Department. is displayed on Axxess Intertel Informational copies of maps, phones in the office of the Board of plans and specifications are on County Commissioners.Bids sub- file for inspection in the office of mitted after 11:00 AM will not the County Engineer of Lewis be considered for this project.) County in Chehalis,Washington. Sealed proposals must be deliv- The contract documents may be eyed to the Clerk of the Board of viewed and downloaded from Lewis County's Web Site @ www. Lewis County Commissioners (351 N.W.North Street,Room 210, lewiscountywa.gov/. CMS-01, Chehalis, Washington The Lewis County Public 98532), by or before 11:00 A.M. Works Department in accordance on the date specified for open- with Title VI of the Civil Rights ing, and-i n id envelope clearly Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 marked:"SEALED REBID FOR U.S.C.2000d to 2000d-4 and Title THE SOLID WASTE TIPPING 49, Code of Federal Regulations, FLOOR SCALE PROJECT, TO Department of Transportation, BE OPENED ON OR AFTER subtitle A,Office of the Secretary, 11:30 A.M. ON FEBRUARY 24, Part 21, nondiscrimination in 2015. Federally assisted programs of Date and Time of the Department of Transportation Mandatory Pre-Bid issued pursuant to such Act,here- Conference by notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any Public Works or Solid Waste Representatives contract entered into pursuant to epresentatives will hold a man- datory on-site Pre-Bid confer- this advertisement,disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at ence (date by request) to allow prospective bidders to take mea- 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded surements and gather addition- full opportunity to submit bids al information necessary to bid in response to this invitation and the contract at the Solid Waste will not be discriminated against Tipping Floor Facility, 1411 on the grounds of race, color, or South Tower Avenue, Centralia, national origin, or sex in consid- Washington, for the Solid Waste eration for an award. Tipping Floor Scale Project.Any Dates of publication in bidder not attending the pre- the Seattle Daily Journal of bid conference shall be con- Commerce,January 28,February sidered Non-Responsible and 4,2015. the Proposal shall be reject- 2/4(319851) ed. Any Manufacturer or - LI1 V AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION DiC OFFICIAL L.- 921 S.W. Washington St. Suite 210/ Portland, OR 97205-2810 (503) 226-1311 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH--ss. I, Marc Caplan , being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am a Public Notice Manager of the Daily Journal of Commerce , a newspaper of general circulation in the counties of CLACKAMAS, MULTNOMAH, and WASHINGTON as defined by ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Portland in the aforesaid County and State; that I know from my personal knowledge that the Goods and Services notice described as Rebid Solid Waste Tipping Floor Scale Project Lewis County Board of Commissioners; Bid Location Chehalis,WA, Lewis County; Due 02/24/2015 at 11:00 AM a printed copy of which is hereto annexed,was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for 2 time(s) in the following issues: LEWIS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1/28/2015 2/4/2015 REBID SOLID WASTE TIPPING FLOOR SCALE PROJECT Bids Due:Feb.24,11:00 Am NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Lewis State of Oregon County or designee, will open sealed g proposals and publicly read them aloud County of Multnomah on or after 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 24, 2015, at the Lewis County All bid proposals shall be accompanied Courthouse, Chehalis, Washington, for SIGNED OR ATTESTED BEFORE ME by a bid proposal deposit in cash, the Rebid Solid Waste Tipping Floor certified check, cashier's check or surety Scale Project. BI ON THE 6th DAY OF February, 2015 bond in an amount equal to five percent SEALED BIDS MUST BE DELIVERED AM. on (5%)of the amount of such bid proposal. BY OR BEFORE 11:00 A.M. on Should the successful bidder fail to enter Tuesday,County 24, l time into such contract and furnish satisfactory (Lewis County offiho time is office f I� performance bond within the time stated the Axxess I of Cl unty in the scone s. in the specifications, the bid proposal Bids Bubm of County Commissioners. deposit shall be forfeited to the Lewis Bids deredfor after p o1:00 AM will not be Marc` aplan County Public Works Department. considered or this project.) Informational copies of maps, plans Sealed proposals the Board be Lewis Cod to the Clerk of the Board of wis County and specifications are on file for Commissioners (351 N.W. North Street, / �, _It inspection in the office of the County Room 210, CMS-01, Chehalis, ` r _/ ., ---,----- Engineer of Lewis County in Chehalis, Washington 98532), by or before 11:00 Washington. The contract documents A.M. on the date specified for opening, Notary Public- tats of Oregon may be viewed and downloaded from and in an envelope clearly marked: rY g Lewis County's Web Site @ "SEALED REBID FOR THE SOLID www.lewiscountywa.gov/. WASTE TIPPING FLOOR SCALE The Lewis County Public Works PROJECT, TO BE OPENED ON OR _._. Department in accordance with Title VI of AFTER 11:30 A.M. ON FEBRUARY 24, OFFICIAL STAMP the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat.252, 2015. MICHELLE ANNE ROPP 42 U.S.C.2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Date and Time of Mandatory Pre-Bid � NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON Code of Federal Regulations, Conference Department of Transportation, subtitle A, Public Works or Solid Waste Repre- e9 COMMISSION NO.934768 Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondis- sentatives will hold a mandatory on-site MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DECEMBER 18,2018 crimination in Federally assisted Pre-Bid conference (date by request) to programs of the Department of Transpor- allow prospective bidders to take meas- tation issued pursuant to such Act, urements and gather additional hereby notifies all bidders that it will information necessary to bid the contract affirmatively insure that in any contract at the Solid Waste Tipping Floor Facility, entered into pursuant to this 1411 South Tower Avenue, Centralia, Karri Muir advertisement, disadvantaged business Washington, for the Solid Waste Tipping enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 Floor Scale Project. Any bidder not Lewis County will be afforded full opportunity to submit attending the pre-bid conference shall be 351 NW North St bids in response to this invitation and will considered Non-Responsible and the Chehalis, WA 98532-1926 not be discriminated against on the Proposal shall be rejected.Any Manufac- grounds of race, color, or national origin, turer or Representative that attended the or sex in consideration for an award. November 20, 2014 Pre-Bid meeting will Published Jan.28&Feb.4,2015. have satisfied this requirement. 10675494