Approving Contract Amendment No. 12 to Program Agreement No. 1163-27316 with DBHR BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Approve Contract Amendment #12 to Program )
Agreement #1163-27316 between the Division of )
Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) and ) RESOLUTION No. 15- CrILI
Lewis County
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), Lewis County,
Washington, has reviewed contract amendment #12 between Lewis County and DBHR
for the period of February 15, 2015 through June 30, 2015; AND
WHEREAS, funding in the amount of $27,407 is available through DBHR to
provide substance abuse services to qualifying low income Lewis County residents; AND
WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best public interest to authorize the execution
of said contract for Lewis County;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Contract Amendment #12 between
DBHR and Lewis County in the amount of $27,407 from February 15, 2015 through
June 30, 2015 is hereby approved and the Director of Public Health & Social Services is
authorized to sign the same.
DONE IN OPEN SESSION this , day of a/(k , 2015.
Jonatlpn Alley , Pr. ecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON
,rG 1 '''' N / 1 .A41/
By: David Fi -- Edna J. Fun., Chal fir
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney '®. /
ATTEST: ®g ic, SINCE �, c,. P. 4. Schulte, Vice Chair
k0 1845 ,w' :.
., 1 L ni Lam- ! ,ffec, r_
arri Muir, CMC, Clerk of the Board Gary Stamper, Member
This Program Agreement between the State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)
and the County is hereby amended as follows:
The Maximum Amount Payable is increased by $27,407, from $2,889,273 to $2,916,680. The Awards and
Revenues (A&R)for the July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015 time period is attached as Exhibit B.
SAPT Prevention funding: Effective July 1, 2014, $13,257 from FY 2014 is moved to FY 2015 and is
reflected on the attached A&R.
CJTA funding: Effective July 1, 2014, is increased by $27,407 and is reflected on the attached A&R.
All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.
DSHS Central Contract Services
1611CS County Program Agreement Amendment(6-12-2014) Page 2
Exhibit B
2013-2015 Biennium
The above named County(ies),is hereby awarded the following amounts for the purposes listed.
Total 13-15
SFY 14 SFY 15 Biennial Funds Biennium
333.9939 SAPT Grant-in-Aid $94,211 $127,337 $221,548
SAPT Treatment $65,659 $70,071 $135,730
**SAPT Treatment-Resource Development $5,253 $13,132 $18,385
SAPT Prevention $28,552 $57,266 $85,818
334.04.6X State Grant-in-Aid $428,811 $331,777 $760,588
State GIA Administration $46,690 $34,943 $81,633
334.04.6X Criminal Justice Treatment Account(Biennial) �� �'% $211,691 $211,691
334.04.6X Drug Court-State Funds $0 $0 $0
334.04.6X Funds $13,371 $13,371
STATE-SPECIAL PROJECTS $14,458 $14,458 $28,916
334.04.6X TANF Treatment Services $14,458 $14,458 $28,916
334.04.6X CA Parents in Reunification $0 $0 $0
FEDERAL GRANTS $42,467 $0 $0 $42,467
333.97.78 *TXIX-Fed Waiver for DL and ADATSA clients ONLY $42,467 $0 $42,467
Total Federal Funds $136,678 $127,337 $0 $264,015
Total State Funds $443,269 $359,606 $211,691 $1,014,566
'TOTAL ALL AWARDS I $579,947 I $486,943 I $211,691 I $1,278,581 I
Federal CFDA:
SAPT Grant-in-Aid-CFDA 93.959 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration(SAMHSA)
*Title XIX-CFDA 93.778-DL and ADATSA is for July-December,2013 services only
**SAPT Treatment-Resource Development is for services starting January,2014
Criminal Justice Treatment Account
Criminal Justice Treatment Account(CJTA)funds are awarded to counties on a biennial basis.
No more than 10%of the CJTA and no more than 10%of the Drug Court award may be spent on BARS 566.11 for County Only Administration.
No more than 10%of the CJTA and no more than 10%of the Drug Court award may be spent on BARS 566.11 for Drug Court Administration.
County participation match programs include State Grant-in-Aid, Federal SAPT Grant-in-Aid,and CJTA.
2013-15 Lewis Amend 12
Lewis County
Details of Budget or Request For Budget Amendment
Fund P 104 Type of appropriation:
Department Social Services ® Supplemental-has new offsetting revenue
Program 0 Emergency-using fund balance
Please Discuss Current Budget Uses or Describe a Need For Additional Funding
Amendment#12 to Program Agreement 1163-27316 with the Division of Behaviorial Health and Recovery
Services.Funding allocated is for the 2013-2015 bienium.
Use of Funds
Li New Expenditure ❑ New Transfer Out or ❑ Currently Budgeted
Account Description BARS Account Number Amount
Administration 104 614 000 000 566 11 10 001 2,740
Professional Service 104 614 000 000 566 53 41 00 10,000
Professional Service 104 614 000 000 566 54 41 00; 5,000
Professional Service 104 614 000 000 566 77 41 00 9,667
Total Use of Funds: $27,407
Source of Funds
New Revenue ❑ Use of Fund Balance ❑ New Transfer In or ❑ Currently Budgeted
Account Description BARS Account Number Amount
State Grant In Aid DSHS-SUB ABUSE 104 614 000 000 334 04 66 20 27,407
Total Source of Funds: $27,407
Elected/Director `aG !D 4/.yL- Date 4,V.23 �✓
Executive Summary
BOCC Meeting Date:
Danette York
Public Health and Social Services
Approve Contract Amendment #12 to Program Agreement#1163-27316 between the Division of
Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) and Lewis County
Department of Social & Health Services (DSHS) contracts with County governments to coordinate,
subcontract, and monitor treatment and prevention programs at the local level. These funds are then
contracted with local treatment agencies to provide the services directly. This contract amendment
will increase funding to the current DBHR contract agreement.
This amendment is effective February 15, 2015 through June 30, 2015. The contract is from July 1,
2014 — June 30, 2015.
This amendment will increase the current contract by $27,407.00 for a total program agreement
amount of$2,916,680.00.
Approve resolution.
Resolution #: 15- (Y) • BOCC Meeting Date: Mar 02, 2015
Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Consent
Approve Contract Amendment#12 to Program Agreement#1163-27316 between the Division of Behavioral
Health and Recovery(DBHR) and Lewis County
Brief Reason for BOCC Action:
Funding is available to provide substance abuse services to qualifying low income residents.
Submitted By: Andrus, Sandi Phone: 2774
Date Submitted: Feb 18, 2015
Contact Person Who Will Attend BOCC Meeting: Danette York
Action Needed: Approve Resolution
Publication Requirements:
Hearing Date:
Publication Dates:
User Group Status
Carter, Glenn �/ Pending
CpYork, Danette Approved
Cover Letter To
Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery
Ruth Leonard
4500 10th Avenue SE
Lacey,WA 98503
Additional Copies
Sandi Andrus
April Kelley
Carma Oaksmith
Karen Soukkala
Suzette Smith
Paulette Young
Amanda Migliaccio