Approving a memo of understanding between Lewis County Department of Emergency Management and the LMTAAA 6. Principle Contacts. The principle contacts for this agreement are:
Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Lewis County Department of Emergency
Aging—Project Coordinator Management—Contact
Name: Tracy Gunter Name=Steve Mansfield
Email: Phone: 360-740-1310
Phone: 360-664-2168 Fax: 360-740-1471
Fax: 360-664-0791 Email:
Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Lewis County Department of Emergency
Aging—Director Management—Director
Name: Dennis Mahar Name: Steve Mansfield
Email: Dennis.Mahar@dshs.wa.goy Phone: 360-740-1300
Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Email: DEM
Aging—Program Manager
Name: Sheila Bower
Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on
Aging—Program Manager
Name: Joy McBride
Email: Joy.McBride(a�
7. Authorized Representatives. By signature below, the parties certify that the individuals
listed in this agreement as representatives of the parties are authorized to act in their
respective areas for matters related to this agreement.
THE PAR ES HERETO have executed this agreement.
hil l 3/3 /5
Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging Date
Signature, T.f e
0/ loet
LC Department of Emergenc Management Date
Signature, Title
• Attachment# 1 - Prioritization of LMTAAA Case Management Clients
• Attachment# 2—LMTAAA Health and Safety Welfare Check Questions for Clients
EM:\LMT Area Agency on Aging\2014\Final MOU LMTAAA and LC DEM 2014.docx Page#3