Notice of Hearing: Regarding the adoption of Ordinance 1257, unmarked vehicles in Lewis County ti NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE LEWIS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND INTENT TO ADOPT PROPOSED ORDINANCE ADDING NEW SECTION TO LEWIS COUNTY CODE TITLE 10 RELATING TO UNMARKED COUNTY VEHICLES AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the LEWIS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, will hold a public hearing on STATE OF WASHINGTON Monday,April 6,at 10:00 a.m. in COUNTY OF LEWIS SS ' the Hearing Room of the Board of County Commissioners in the Lewis County Historical Court House at The undersigned,on oath state that he/she is an authorized representative 351 NW North Street,Chehalis,WA of The East County Journal,a weekly newspaper,which newspaper is a 98532,to receive public testimony regarding a proposal to add a section legal newspaper of general circulation and it is now and has been for more to Title 10 of the Lewis County than six month prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, Code specifying exceptions to published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper the general requirement in state in Morton,Lewis County,Washington,and it is now and during all of law to mark vehicles operated said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of by local government agencies on publication of this newspaper. public highways or used by local government agencies in the conduct of public business. The notice in the exact form annexed, was published in regular issues At the hearing, members of the of The East County Journal which was regularly distributed to its public will be invited to speak subscribers during the below stated period. and/or provide written statements The annexed notice,a regarding the proposed Ordinance 1257. After the public testimony ,j� (� ' portion of the hearing has ended,the 1 1-h 3c(f f C T—C(LI (- Cf g_tt Commissioners will deliberate and pp ( consider proposed Ordinance 1257 Cti-LC Cl; 1,�t c. C� �.�.� ��`11�.( CI tkOr o along with the public testimony. oA �y Proposed Ordinance 1257 may R lR C then_be adopted with or without was publisheXon rY)C� (I k ) , c 1 PI, modification. The hearing will address the addition of a new chapter 36 to Lewis County Code Title 10 that has been recommended by the Lewis County The amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum Prosecuting Attorney's Office / and the Lewis County Sheriff's of$ ad' D Office. The proposed section l LCC 10.36.010(A) implements the authority granted by the `', �� ��' Legislature to the Board of County Commissioners to adopt exceptions Subscribed and sworn to before me this / day f da of ■ 7S-- to the general requirement in RCW 46.08.065 that the county mark vehicles used or operated by the CRA_CUL, • tia-t3 county. The proposed,new section authorizes exceptions to marking ok tub al ////���` Notary Public in and for the requirements in accordance with ss</\ MIS S/047.1 % State of Washington RCW the proposs Specifically, Q°; �ji'.. Residing in Onalaska V� F sheriff's vehicles may be used for NOTgRy 'm F ..29 20\ OA:WASHoN ° i�i l u n u n u t► °°° general undercover or confidential investigative purposes and traffic control purposes in addition to the existing statutory authorization to use such vehicles for special undercover or confidential investigative purposes. Under the proposal, other unmarked county vehicles may be used for law enforcement purposes and confidential public health work, public assistance fraud or support investigative purposes. Further, under the proposal,vehicles leased by the county on a casual basis for period of less than ninety days will not need to be marked. The proposed section LCC 10.36.010(B) reserves to the Board of County Commissioners the right to determine whether county vehicles are used for purposes listed in the exceptions enacted in LCC 10.36.010. All persons wishing to be heard on this matter are encouraged to attend. Written comments may be submitted in advance of the hearing by mail or at the hearing by delivery in person. Please deliver copies of all written copies to the Clerk of the Board,Lewis County Board of County Commissioners at 351 NW North Street,Chehalis,WA 98532 or email to bocc @lewiscountywa.gov. The draft ordinance is available on line at the Lewis County website at http://lewiscountywa.gov Hard copies are available for review at the Lewis County Prosecuting Attorney's Office at 345 West Main Street,2nd Floor, Chehalis, WA 98532. For questions regarding the above, please contact Glenn Carter,Chief Civil Prosecuting Attorney,at 360- 740-2767. This meeting site is barrier free. People needing special assistance or accommodations should contact The Commissioners' Office 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Phone: (360)740-1120 (Published in The East County Journal March 18 2015) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON SS COUNTY OF LEWIS NOTICE OF adopted with or without the Clerk of the Board, Amanda Curry,says that she is the legal clerk of PUBLIC HEARING modification. Lewis County Board of gb BEFORE THE County Commissioners at e LEWIS COUNTY The hearing will address 351 NW North Street, BOARD OF the addition of a new Chehalis, WA 98532 or COUNTY chapter 36 to Lewis County e,mail t o b o c c a semi-weekly newspaper, which has been established, COMMISSIONERS Code Title 10 that has @lewiscountywa.gov. published in the English language,and circulated AND INTENT TO been recommended by the continuously as a semi-weekly newspaper in the City of ADOPT PROPOSED Lewis County Prosecuting The draft ordinance is ORDINANCE ADDING Attorney's Office and the available on line at the Centralia,and in said County and State,and of NEW SECTION TO Lewis County Sheriffs Of- Lewis County website at general circulation in said county for more than six (6) LEWIS COUNTY fice. The proposed section http://lewiscountywa.gov CODE TITLE 10 LCC 13.36.010(A) imple- -Hard copies are available months prior to the date of the first publication of the ments the authority gran- for review at the Lewis RELATING TO Notice hereto attached, and that the said Chronicle was UNMARKED fed by the Legislature County g y to Prosecutin Attor- on the 7th day of July 1941,approved as a legal COUNTY VEHICLES the Board of County Com- ney's Office at 345 West missioners to adopt excep- Main Street, 2nd Floor, newspaper by the Superior Court of said Lewis tions to the general re- Chehalis,WA 98532. Count NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- quirement in RCW For questions regarding y. EN that the LEWIS 46.08.065 that the county the above, please contact And that the attached is a true copy and was published COUNTY BOARD OF mark vehicles used or Glenn Carter, Chief Civil COUNTY hold a PION- authorizes ropos exceptions se ti to operated by the county. in regular issues (and not in supplement orm of ERS, will hold a public Prosecuting Attorney, at' said newspaper as Legal# 0 / ! hearing on Monday,April 360-740-2767. 6, at 10:00 a.m. in the marking requirements in Hearing Room of the accordance with RCW This meeting site is barrier free. Once each �� for a period of Board of County Corn- 46.08.065 .066. Specifi- People needing special 4 .0 missioners in the Lewis cally, under the proposal, assistance or accommoda County Historical Court unmarked sheriff's vehicles tions should contact The �{iye House at 351 NW North may be used for general Commissioners' Office 72 Street, Chehalis, WA undercover or confidential hours in 98532, to receive public investigative purposes and advance of the meeting. Comore frig on the testimony regarding a pro- traffic control purposes in Phone:(360)740-1120 I '9 posal to add a section to addition to the existing L ___ Title 10 of the Lewis statutory authorization to PUBLISH:Chronicle: day Of ,2015 County Code specifying use such vehicles for spe March 17,2015 exceptions to the general cial undercover or confi East County requirement in state law to dential investigative purpo Journal:March 18,2015 and min on the mark vehicles operated by ses. Under the proposal, L#81995 March 17,2015 local government agencies ublished in The Chronicle I other unmarked county ve- hicles on public highways or used may be used for law day of , and both by local government agen- enforcement purposes and i dated inclusive,and that such newspaper waS ties in the conduct of confidential public health public business. work, public assistance regularly distributed to its subscribers during all At the hearing,members of fraud or support investiga- of said eriod.That the full amount of the fee the public will be invited to p speak and/or provide writ- der the prop al,Further, le un- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of ten statements regarding der the proposal, vehicles /�/� the proposed Ordinance leased by the county on a vV 1257. After the public casual basis for period of $ testimony portion of the less than ninety days will hearing has ended, the not need to be marked. i � The proposed section LCC � � Commissioners will delib- erate and consider pro- 10.36.010(B) reserves to / posed Ordinance 1257 the Board of County Com- along with the public testi- missioners the right to Subscribed and sworn to me this mony. Proposed Ordi- determine whether county Hance 1257 may then be vehicles are used for our t,, -1 ObiWu,/ poses listed in the excep- ktay of i' t 2 15 00� ,, tions enacted in LCC 'a a° NE 8 ie 10.36.010. s °°° Q� S�pN y1.9.5.✓ All persons wishing to be•■ / ' ,�_ _ `.( i .� . A�_ e��•e��s FxjDi9•; heard on this matter are �— _ �;o� ``s:--® encouraged to attend.Writ- Q. NOTARY •tt1® ten comments may be Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, • PUBLIC *a submitted in advance of residing at : ** ® the hearing by mail or at g cS'••p per::• _,� the hearing by delivery in (vV` °®�,q 4,,70%* •�G'�o, person. Please deliver cop- �L ) d®i3OF WAS \,\c, ‘Na ies of all written copies to 1191iiiV