RFQ: I-5 Corridor North County Industrial Access I,= ozz /W AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON} SS COUNTY OF LEWIS North Cour Nti Industrial Amanda Curry,says that she is the legal clerk of - Lewis Count cess CRP 2171 County Public Works, in accordance with tpt ebro idt Lewis County Public Works Title VI of the Civil Rights J`'6 is soliciting Qualifications Act of 1964, 78 Stat., 42 a semi-weekly newspaper, which has been established, from consulting firms with U.S.C.Title 49,to 20e of y expertise developing Corri- and Title 49, Code e- published in the English language,and circulated dor Improvement studies, Federal Regulations, De- continuously as a semi-weekly newspaper in the City of alternative access analy- De- partment A, Office the ses, and Interchange Justi Subtitle A, Office of the Centralia,and in said County and State,and of Secretary, Part 21, nondis- fication Reports for the crimination in Federally as- general circulation in said county for more than six-(6) following project: y sisted programs of the months prior to the date of the first publication of the PROJECT Department-of_Transporta- Notice hereto attached, and that the said Chronicle was DESCRIPTION tion issued pursuant to on the 7th day of July 1941,approved as a legal Lewis County Public Works a hereby notifies is seeking the services of all bidders that t it will newspaper by the Superior Court of said Lewis qualified consulting firms to affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into County. investigate alternatives to pursuant to this advertise- improve access from the And that the attached is a true copy and was published 15 corridor to industrial ment, disadvantaged busi- ness enterprises as de- in regular issues (and not in supplement f�orr ) of properties in northern fined by 49 CFR Part 26 said newspaper as Legal# 0 .2,� Lewis County. The analy- will be afforded full oppor- sis will include investigat- tunity to submit bids in //// /� ing alternative routes utiliz- response to this invitation once each taa/°�for a period of ing existing interchanges, and will not be discrimina- as well as investigating the ted against on grounds of, /// ] Q� feasibility of a new inter- race, color, national origin, j consecutive 1/v` change between Harrison or sex in consideration for Avenue (Exit 82) and the an award. Grand Mound(Exit 88). commencing on the SUBMITTAL DATED this 30th day REQUIREMENTS g- p. of March,2015.A detailed descri tion of Clerk of the day ofi 2015 the project background, Board of County Commissioners project scope, proposal instructions, and proposal Lewis County, and ending on the Washington pi- f evaluation is available by dri/Le calling Lewis County Public PUBLISH: The Chronicle- day o ,2015 and both Works (360) 740-2612, March 31, 2015 and April dated inclusive,and that such newspaper emailing Kim.Amrine@ er was 7,2015 P p lewiscountywa.gov, or at regularly distributed to its subscribers during all Lewis County Public Works Daily (Seattle and Com- Website http://lewiscounty merce (Seattle and Port- of said period.That the full amount of the fee wa.gov/publicworks. land)- March 31, 2015 and charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of April 7,2015 DEADLINE: Proposals Lewis County website @ L3 ' must be received no later www.lewiscountywa.gov/ than 4:00 p.m, local time, L#82344 March 31 & April 7,2015 April 24, 2015 at the I Published in The Chronicle / 1 " Lewis County Public Works office (2025 NE Kresky Ave., Chehalis, WA, 98532). Faxed cop- Subscribed and sworn to me this les will not be accepted. _ILK day of a , /A�^- ,2a `` tillisi6, a �I� °C�%Vl �®t. ENE i* s11 % y �va�1GP �S51t71V A.", Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,;Y �N 0 TA R V�' residing at ** PUBLIC 4. AAaaQo 4, q•0) 4 26,4`:cp1,4 Min itiO