Extended Closure of a portion of Bunker Road to all through traffic 1 - 07,i 411_,
Amanda Curry,says that she is the legal clerk of NOTICE
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- October 15 to April 15.
t ' EN that the Board of DATED:March 30,2015
a semi-weekly newspaper, which has been established, County Cy,Washington,
Lewis County,Washington, Karri Muir,CMC,
published in the English language,and circulated approved the extended clo Clerk of the
sure of Bunker Road to all Lewis County Board of
continuously as a semi-weekly newspaper in the City of through traffic as water on, County Commissioners
Centralia,and in said County and State,and of over, and along the un-
general circulation in said county for more than six ( maintained portion of Publish:The Chronicle
( ) Bunker Road approximate- March 31,2015
months prior to the date of the first publication of the ly 0.6 mile west of the L#82338 March 31,2015
Notice hereto attached,and that the said Chronicle was maintained Bunker Road P ublished in The Chronicle
on the 7th day of July 1941,approved as a legal vehicular ttraffic,l amend rdthe to
newspaper by the Superior Court of said Lewis County received a letter
County, from the State of Washing-
And that the attached is a true copy and was published ton Department of Fish and
p Wildlife in 2005 stating that
in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of habitat ndegradation eaand
said newspaper as Legal# 'WO` loss of fish life. The road
conditions have not
changed and it appears to
once each for a period of be in the best
interest to extent the clo-
sure of Bunker Road.
t,onsecutlV Pursuant to R.C.W.
47.48.010 and .020, effec-
CommeriCin on the tive April 15, 2015, to April
v i 15, 2020, for the period of
October 15 to April 15,said
da of unmaintained county road
y 015 in Section 19, Township 14
North, Range 4 West,
W.M.,shall be closed to all
and ending on the
0/61— vehicles from the end of
Bunker Road, westerly
/ ayofI /_ ,2015 and both on, og e the area of water
dated inclusive,and that such newspaper was r po ndt east along of the
road, to a
intersecting private road
regularly distributed to its subscribers during all running north, a total dis-
of said period.That the full amount of the fee tance of approximately
charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of effectuate the provisions of
/ / this resolution, the County
$ (C� Engineer shall direct that
the gate at the present end
of Bunker Road remain
� locked seasonally at all
times during the period
Subscriand sworn to me is
4SJday ofet�Ck(
�L'aLcg, Cs �` .r •Msslo •. ti �••
��°SNOT R 9'99—
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, ' Y' TA 1'N
residin at * : U
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