Notice: Accepting a bid on tax title property located off Eureka Ave. in Centralia AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION
Amanda Curry, says that she is the legal clerk of Clerk of the Board
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- of County Commissioners
TO EN that the Board of
'1jroittt County Commissioners, Publish: The Chronicle
(v L Lewis County,Washington, April 7th and April 14th,
intends to sell tax parcel 2015
a semi-weekly newspaper,which has been established, 002768182001, consisting
published in the English language,and circulated of 0.16 acre of land located , Legal Description:
off Eureka Avenue, Cen- Parcel No. 002768 182
continuously as a semi-weekly newspaper in the City of I tralia.The below described 001 approximately 0.16
Centralia,and in said County and State,and of property was conveyed to acre described below:
general circulation in said county for more than six(6) Lewis County by the Coun- That portion.of—Ma`fr ihs
months prior to the date of the first publication of the ty Treasurer following an Logging right of way as
unsuccessful attempt to shown on the face of
Notice hereto attached, and that the said Chronicle was
sell the property at public August Sawall's Addition to
on the 7th day of July 1941,approved as a legal auction. The County has Centralia, as recorded in
newspaper by the Superior Court of said Lewis County. received an offer to pur- volume 1,page 91,records
chase the property, for of Lewis County, Washing-
And that the attached is a true copy and was published $537.40. RCW 36.35.150 ton, lying westerly of the
allows for the disposal of I west lines of Lot 25 and 32
in regular issues(and not in supplement form)of the property by private of said August Sawall's
said newspaper as Legal Ad#82496 negotiations providing that Addition; easterly of the
the final sale price is no east lines of Lots 26 and
once each ""f or a period of 2 less than the principal 33 of said August Sawall's
amount of the unpaid Addition; southerly of
o �Q/� taxes, $152.40. Notice of Campbell's First Addition
— � L
consecutive k- the Board's intent to sell to the City of Centralia, as
the property is hereby recorded in volume 6,page
given to the public as 1 112, records of Lewis
commencing on 04/07/2015 required by LCC 3.30.390, County, Washington; and
thereby providing an op- northerly of the following
and ending on 04/14/2015 portunity to compete for described Line"A":
and both regularly distributed to its subscribers during purchase by offer of more BEGINNING at a point
all of said period. That the full amount of the fee favorable price 48.01 feet south of the
north favorable east corner of Lot 25
charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of Purchaser shall have five of said August Sawall's
$ 117.60 days from the date of Addition, said point being
award to pay for the the true point of beginning
property in cash or by , of said Line "A", thence
/ cashier's check. Upon pay- west to the westerly line of
ment to the County Treas- said Martins Logging right
Su aseribei and sworn to .1 04/14/2015 urer in the Courthouse, of way and the terminus of
Chehalis, Washington, a said Line"A".
i Treasurer's Deed will be L#82496 April 7&14,2015
QL_A-�...A I� issued for said property. Published in The Chronicle
The County reserves the -—
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, right to reject any and all
resid.•g at <-.„, bids.
i ' if '7 DATED:April 6,2015
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