NOH: 2014 Community Development Block Grant Funding NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the BOARD OF COUNTY
COMMISSIONERS of Lewis County, Washington for the purpose of reviewing community
development and housing needs, informing citizens of the availability of funds and eligible uses of the
state Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and receiving comments on proposed activities,
particularly from lower income persons residing in the Lewis County area.
Comments on the County's and community action program's past performance and use of their 2014
CDBG Public Services Grant will also be received.
The public hearing will be held as follows:
DATE: Monday, April 27, 2015
TIME: On or about 10:00 am
PLACE: County Commissioners Hearing Room
Lewis County Historic Courthouse - 2nd Floor
351 NW North Street
Chehalis, WA
The CDBG is summarized as follows:
$100,874 is proposed to be available annually to Lewis and Mason Counties and the Community
Action Council of Lewis, Mason, and Thurston Counties to fund public service activities that
principally benefit low- and moderate-income persons.
An overview of the proposed public services will be available for review at the Lewis County Public
Health & Social Services department, 3rd floor, located at 360 NW North Street, Chehalis, WA 98532
(Phone: 360-740-1223) between Monday, April 13, to Thursday, April 23, 2015. Written comments
may also be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners at the Lewis County
Historic Courthouse, 2nd floor, 351 NW North Street, Chehalis, WA 98532 by 4:00 on April 24. All
those wishing to speak for or against the agreement shall be afforded the opportunity to be heard.
This meeting site is barrier free. People needing special assistance or accommodations should
contact the Clerk of the Board 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Phone: (360) 740-1419
DATED this 13th day of April, 2015.
Karri Muir, Clerk of th., Board of County Commissioners
PUBLICATION DATE: East County Journal: April 15, 2015
The Chronicle: April 16, 2015
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that a public hearing will be held
County, Washington for the
purpose of reviewing community
development and housing needs,
informing citizens of the availability
of funds and eligible uses of the
state Community Development
Block Grant(CDBG),and receiving
comments on proposed activities,
particularly from lower income
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION persons residing in the Lewis
County area.
Comments oa the County's and
STATE OF WASHINGTON l community action program's past
SS performance and use of their 2014
COUNTY OF LEWIS I CDBG Public Services Grant will
also be received.
The public hearing will be held as
The undersigned,on oath state that he/she is an authorized representative follows:.
of The East County Journal,a weekly newspaper,which newspaper is a DATE: Monday,April 27,2015
legal newspaper of general circulation and it is now and has been for more T On or about 10:00 am
than six month prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, PLACE: County Commissioners
Hearing Room
published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper Lewis County Historic Courthouse
in Morton,Lewis County,Washington,and it is now and during all of -2nd Floor
said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of 351 NW North Street
publication of this newspaper. Chehalis,WA
The CDBG is summarized as
follows: -
The notice in the exact form annexed, was published in regular issues $100,874 is proposed to be available
of The East County Journal which was regularly distributed to its annually to Lewis and Mason
subscribers during the below stated period. Counties and the CommunityAction
The annexed notice,a Council of Lewis, Mason, and
Thurston Counties to fund public
r- p� service activities that principally
`k_6);0 ' 4 aiitkA "�b�6 a cite/ benefit low-and moderate-income
�` persons.
V Q fi-i't e.t- (IT PI IA+ An overview of the proposed public
services will be available for review
^ t ` at the Lewis County Public Health
was published on 0_4 = C i d ,�C'IS-
&Social Services department,3rd
/rrr floor, located at 360 NW North
Street,Chehalis,WA 98532(Phone:
360-74o 1'1'11` ",--,-een Monday,
April 13, to Thursday,April 23,
The amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum 2015. Written comments may also
be submitted to the Clerk of the
7_ 'G Board of County Commissioners
Of$ 7
at the Lewis County Historic
�,� ' Courthouse, 2nd floor, 351 NW
Oe-c.-e, 0
North Street,Chehalis,WA 98532
by 4:00 on April 24. All those
�,� wishing to speak for or against the
Subscribed and sworn to before me this /.S day of A2/ AS— agreement shall be afforded the
RiAz•v , e • JIL,A. -4.0...___..)"—` opportunity to be heard.
This meeting site is barrier free.
\,\\``\�\\ ftwitn;: People needing special assistance
�i/ Notary Public in and for the or accommodations should contact
e\`.\\ ,4, ‘. �' ����� State of Washington the Clerk of the Board 72 hours in
(Z-..."(:).' 1SS/04' `�O i advance of the meeting. Phone:
C..> c.o•:.C� r Residing in Onalaska g•
(C�a (360)740-1419
-.13 1 _ DATED this 13th day of April,
~ •m 2015.
21'; • jI r ! Karri Muir,Clerk of the Board of
%-7 '• `y. (0./. S County Commissioners
, * Prnn The East County�
Journal Ail I S 1 �/ASH.
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