NOH: Traffic Ordinance changing maximum speed on Airport Road. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF LEWIS Amanda Curry,says that she is the legal clerk of NOTICE OF HEARING r TO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- eyrottIrte that the Board of ard County Commissioners, Lewis County,Washington, a semi-weekly newspaper,which has been established, - 10 r published in the English language,and circulated wed. 35 mph On a metal: continuously as a semi-weekly newspaper m the City of • Airport Road Jo Lewis Centralia,and in said County and State,and of County. general circulation in said county for more than six(6) .-ifl months prior to the date of the first publication of the related materials have, Notice hereto attached,and that the said Chronicle was been reviewed by the on the 7th day of Jul 1941,approved as a legal Board and found appropri-. y July pp g ate for further proceedings. newspaper by the Superior Court of said Lewis County. A hearing on the reduc- tion of speed limit on :a And that the attached is a true copy and was published art in l; County rudl be held'" m regular issues(and not in supplement form)of 'orb:the ath;day of July,: said newspaper as Legal Ad#84069 2015,at or after the hour of 10:00 a.m.,in the Commis. sioners Hearing Room on once each g I �y . • period of 1 the 2nd floor of the Historic ' �Courthouse in Chehalis, Washington, when and c.Q1ee iitive where all persons may appear and be heard re- commencing on 06/09/IF 5 gape ng the reduction of Lewis County policy re- and ending on 06/09/2015 quires that notice of hear- and both regularly distributed to its subscribers during ing regarding the proposed reduction of speed limits all of said period.That the full amount of the fee be advertised at least 10 charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of days before the day fixed $31.20 r ,f} f o r hearing, and a l s o p u b- 1 i l t e d I, once in the'offiolla -newspaper of the county.ir '� �LA YJ .et---:rolensed--Ordi- nance#218 is available for public inspection with the Subscribed-nd sworn to on /09/2015 J Clerk of the Board on the t 2nd floor of the Historic J j. `g �f_ t Courthouse in Chehalis, v� �' Washington. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Dated:June 8,2015 residing L#84069 June 9,2015 f Published in The Chronicle /',� „L ■.opE... ''Ex .. * • s .4 .5: .'.40, ?y. '',.�,r6)4TE OF\$A"..%� `lidmilw