2015-06-15 Business Meeting Agenda n\LEWIS Lf=� C ��,,ty xu it qSa Board of County Commissioners th��, �rs. vv Ott 3 i0() 0 i� 111t Business Meeting Agenda Monday June 15, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Commissioners Hearing Room 223 Call to Order: Chair Edna J. Fund Determination of Quorum Flag Salute Approval of Minutes: June 8, 2015 Public Comment* (Limited to 3 minutes/person) EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION NOTICE 1. Call for Bids: For the Ceres Hill Long Term Bank Stabilization and Habitat Mitigation MP 0.83 - CRP2159C. Bids are due to the Clerk of the Board on or before 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 7, 2015. Resolution No. 15-172 2. Notice: Accepting a bid on tax title property located off south of Vader. Resolution No. 15- 173 3. Notice: Accepting a bid on tax title property located off Stover Road, Randle. Resolution No. 15-174 4. Notice of Hearing: For the 2nd 2015 Budget Amendment. Hearing will be held on or after 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 29, 2015. Resolution No. 15-175 CONSENT AGENDA 5. Resolution No. 15-176 Approval of warrants for payment. 6. Resolution No. 15-177 Transferring Emergency Management from the Sheriff's Office to the Board of County Commissioners. 7. Resolution No. 15-178 Proposed acquisition of additional right of way for Lincoln Creek Bridge Replacement. 8. Resolution No. 15-179 Approval to re-submit a grant application for the design and construction of the runway improvements at the Packwood Airport. 9. Resolution No. 15-180 Approval to submit a grant application for the design and bidding to reconstruct taxiway of the Ed Carlson Memorial-South Lewis County Airport. HEARING • THE BOARD MAY ACT UPON MATTERS NOT LISTED ON THIS AGENDA. • "Written public comments may be submitted in person,by email,or regular mail to the BOCC on agenda or non-agenda items(excluding public hearing and bid award items)at any time following publication of the meeting agenda and before adjournment of the BOCC Business Meeting. • This meeting site is barrier free; people needing special assistance or accommodations should contact the Commissioners'Office at 360-740-1172,72 hours in advance. • Commission meetings can be viewed at LewisCountyWa.gov/bocc-meetings and on Comcast Channel 3,at 10 a.m.,2 p.m.,6 p.m.and 10 p.m. Edna J.Fund P.W.Schulte Gary Stamper Commissioner,District 1 Commissioner,District 2 Commissioner,District 3 10. Non-Exclusive Franchise to LightSpeed Networks, Inc., to construct, operate and maintain Telecommunications Facilities on County Rights-of-Way. Resolution 15-181 CALENDAR MEETINGS AND APPOINTMENTS WEEK OF June 15, 2015 ALL HEE7/NBSARE SIIBECT 7OC4 L4HOwON RESCHEDUAN MONDAY, June 15, 2015 8:30 am *BOCC Wrap-Up Meeting 10:00 am *BOCC Business Meeting 11:30 am Chamber Forum, O'Blarneys 6:00 pm Toledo City Council Meeting TUESDAY, June 16, 2015 8:30 am *Update with Central Services 9:00 am *Update with Risk 9:30 am *Staff Meeting 10:30 am *Update with Coroner 11:00 am *SAO Entrance Conference 12:15 noon Ribbon Cutting - Power Supps & Deli, 6:30 pm LC Farm Forestry Assoc. Twilight Tour Boistfort Rd. 7:00 pm Town of Pe Ell Meeting WEDNESDAY, June 17, 2015 8:15 am *ESC Meeting 9:00 am *Directors Update 10:30 am *Auditor Treasurer Update 2:00 pm *Update with Prosecutor Office 3:30 pm *Meeting with Julie Brown 6:00 pm OMB- Lewis County Chapter Meeting, Rib Eye THURSDAY, June 18, 2015 5:00 am Business After Hours, Pacific Athletic Ctr. FRIDAY, June 19, 2015 1:00 pm Retirement of Del Ames (Title Guaranty) SATURDAY, June 20, 2015 7:00 am Winlock Egg Day Breakfast 11:00 am Winlock Egg Day Parade *Official BOCC Meetings (if schedule allows, meeting times may be adjusted)