Notice: Accepting a bid on tax title property located off Stover Road, Randle BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF: ) Accepting a bid on tax title property ) located off Stover Road, Randle ) RESOLUTION #15- Jr-IL). WHEREAS, the following described tax title property was conveyed to Lewis County by the County Treasurer following an unsuccessful attempt to sell the property at public auction; Parcel No. 032037 001 000; approximately 14.15 acres described as: That portion of Government Lot 5 in Section 11, Township 12 North, Range 8 East, W.M., described in deed recorded March 1, 2012 under Lewis County Auditor's File No. 3375271; and WHEREAS, if no acceptable bids were received at the attempted public auction of the property, RCW 36.35.150 allows for the property to be disposed of by private negotiations if the sale is made within twelve months from the date of the attempted public auction, providing the final sale price is no less than the principal amount of unpaid taxes; and WHEREAS, the County has received an offer to purchase the property for the principal amount of unpaid taxes and miscellaneous Treasurer's fees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the offer in the amount of $3,811.20 for property located off Stover Road in Randle, WA is accepted, subject to the conditions of LCC 3.30.390. Also, that notice of the Board's intent to sell the property be given to the public as required by LCC 3.30.390. The Public Works Department is hereby directed to proceed with legal notification of the property for sale to the general public for the highest and best offer, and it be stipulated that Lewis County reserves the right to reject any and all offers if no bid is received that is determined to be the higher and better offer. Purchaser shall have five days from the date of award to pay for the property in cash or by cashier's check. Upon payment to the County Treasurer in the Courthouse, Chehalis, Washington, a Treasurer's Deed will be issued for said property. The Treasurer's Office will record said deed in the Official Volumes of the Lewis County Auditor. After recording, the original deed will be sent to the purchaser. All proceeds shall be justly apportioned to the various funds existing at the date of sale in the territory in which such property is located, according to the tax levies of the year in process of collection. The County reserves the right to reject any and all bids. DONE IN OPEN SESSION this 15 day of 0 , 2015. APPROVED AS TO F•RM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jonathan L._Mey- , -ro.ecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON a( / -...., e... . ......, , , ,,,,,,,, ... . ....,,,_„../.4., By Glenn C=rter s 4 ; _ \rt. 0Edna J. F_nd, C r Deputy Pro ecuting Attorrikr Boar�� �.. ,� i ATTEST: ' 1\ 1 45 r' . is ,Ite,r ice Chair .- "'rnsw, .. ,/mtssi*0 arri Muir, CMC, Clerk of the Lewis Gary Stampker, Commit;sioner County Board of County Commissioners STOVER_RD_TAX TITLE.doc NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioner, Lewis County, Washington, intends to sell tax parcel 032037 001 000, consisting of 14.15 acres of land located off Stover Road, Randle. The below described property was conveyed to Lewis County by the County Treasurer following an unsuccessful attempt to sell the property at public auction. The County has received an offer to purchase the property for $3,811.20, the amount of the tax delinquency and miscellaneous Treasurer's fees. RCW 36.35.150 allows for the disposal of the property by private negotiations providing that the final sale price is no less than the principal amount of the unpaid taxes. Notice of the Board's intent to sell the property is hereby given to the public as required by LCC 3.30.390, thereby providing an opportunity to compete for purchase by offer of more favorable price Purchaser shall have five days from the date of award to pay for the property in cash or by cashier's check. Upon payment to the County Treasurer in the Courthouse, Chehalis, Washington, a Treasurer's Deed will be issued for said property. The County reserves the right to reject any and all bids. DATED: June 15, 2015 AS. ' Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners Publish: The Chronicle June 16th and June 23rd, 2015 Legal Description: Parcel No. 032037 001 000; approximately 14.15 acres described as: That portion of Government Lot 5 in Section 11, Township 12 North, Range 8 East, W.M., described in deed recorded March 1, 2012 under Lewis County Auditor's File No. 3375271. TAX TITLE PARCEL#32037 001 000 ____ i i II _ f 1. Tax Title Property pro•A\ A30 �r / it over Rd. .rp .f' # 41111N-1 1 . � 1x1111 •�mill Air- sh Iv - imispr-...-.— r 11N11111U4 .5,-- Al • r--------------■.„-uaks„..0.AL PIA '''''' 1411____ A ANN'111 ok RCW 36.35.150 Tax-title property may be disposed of without bids in certain cases. The county legislative authority may dispose of tax foreclosed property by private negotiation, without a call for bids, for not less than the principal amount of the unpaid taxes in any of the following cases: (1) When the sale is to any governmental agency and for public purposes; (2) when the county legislative authority determines that it is not practical to build on the property due to the physical characteristics of the property or legal restrictions on construction activities on the property; (3) when the property has an assessed value of less than five hundred dollars and the property is sold to an adjoining landowner; or (4) when no acceptable bids were received at the attempted public auction of the property, if the sale is made within twelve months from the date of the attempted public auction. 3.30.390 Advertisement of sale. (1) The board shall advertise the sale of property in a manner most appropriate to effect an advantageous sale. Real property may be sold at a public sale following publication of a notice in a legal newspaper of general circulation at least once a week for two consecutive weeks, the first notice to appear no less than 10 calendar days prior to the date of sale. No notice of sale shall be required for sale to a governmental agency. Where the board has determined an emergency exists, such reasonable notice as is commensurate with the fact of the emergency shall be given for the purpose of providing the public with knowledge of the sale and to establish value. Such notice may include notification of appropriate segments of the press and telephonic communication with potential purchaser. (2)An advertisement of sale shall in the case of real property describe the property by both its legal description and street address, if any, or if none, by a vicinity description. If real property is offered for sale on other than a cash basis, the terms must be stated in the advertisement. [Ord. 1154A, 2005; Ord. 1157, 1998; Ord. 1064 Art. III, §7, 1979, amended 1980, amended 1989; Ord. 1154, 1996. Formerly 3.30.320] Executive Summary BOCC Meeting Date: 2015-06-15 Contact: Tim Elsea Department: Public Works Wording Accepting a bid on tax title property located off Stover Road, Randle Description Tax parcel 032037 001 000 is a 14.15 acre vacant parcel located off Stover Road, Randle. The property was offered for sale at auction by the Treasurer due to tax delinquencies. The property did not sell at the tax sale and was subsequently deeded by the Treasurer to Lewis County. RCW 36.35.150 allows for the property to be disposed of by private negotiations providing that the final sale price is no less than the principal amount of unpaid taxes. The County has received an offer in the amount of$3,811.20 for the property, the amount of the tax delinquency and miscellaneous Treasurer's fees. This resolution would accept the bid subject to conditions of LCC 3.30.390 which requires that the proposed sale be noticed in a legal newspaper of general circulation at least once a week for two consecutive weeks. Recommendation Other BOCC AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Resolution #: s^ BOCC Meeting Date: Jun 15, 2015 Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Notice Accepting a bid on tax title property located off Stover Road, Randle Brief Reason for BOCC Action: The attached resolution would accept a bid on tax title property located off Stover Road, Randle and give notice of the sale. : Albert, Kelly RECEIVED Submitted B y y Phone: 2697 Date Submitted: May 29, 2015 JUN 0 4 2015 Contact Person Who Will Attend BOCC Meeting: Tim Elsea Action Needed: Approve Resolution LEWIS! CO. PROS. ATTY. Publication Requirements: Hearing Date: Publications: The Chronicle Publication Dates: Jun 16, 2015 , Jun 23, 2015 Approvals: [User Group Status Elsea, Tim Public Works y Pending f I f Muir, Karri BOCC Pending Carter, Glenn Prosecutor F Pending /iy7 Additional Copies Tim Elsea,Larry Unzelman,Kelly Albert, Kim Amrine,Amy Davis,Michelle Stewaart Nonce I S- O(h A) NOTICE IS HFREBY GIV- EN that the Board of AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION County Commissioner, Lewis County,'Washington, intends to sell tax panel STATE OF WASHINGTON 032037 001 000, consist- ing o1 14.15 acres of land COUNTY OF LEWIS located off Stover Road, Randle. The below descri- bed' property was . con- Amanda Curry,says that she is the legal clerk of veyed to Lewis County by the County Treasurer fol- lowing an unsuccessful ( ronci#Y : � P �� �lt .T. County'has received an offer to purchase the prop- a semi-weekly newspaper,which has been established, erty for $3,811,20, the published in the English language,and circulated amount :of the cell delin- continuous) as a semi-weekly newspaper in the City of Trency and miscellaneous continuously y t Treasurer's" feet. RCW Centralia,and in said County and State,and of general circulation in said county for more than six(6) py months prior to the date of the first publication of the private negotiations provid- p ing that the final sale price Notice hereto attached,and that the said Chronicle was is no less, n149ipal on the 7th day of July 1941,approved as a legal amorart', 9f Zile t!riPaid newspaper by the Superior Court of said Lewis County. taxes. in nt of the Board's.-interit to sell the property it hereby given to And that the attached is a true copy and was published She public as required by in regular issues and not in supplement form)of LCC 3.30.390,an opportunity thereby pro' g (and pp ) viding an opportunity to said newspaper as Legal Ad#84309 compete for purchase by offer of more favorable. price. once each for a period of 2 Purchaser shall have five consecutive days from the date of award to pay for the properly in cash or by commencing on 06/16/2015 cashier's check.Upon pay- ment to the County Treas- urer in the Courthouse, and ending on 06/23/2015 Chehalis, Washington, a and both regularly distributed to its subscribers during Treasurer's Deed will be all of said period. That the full amount of the fee issued for;said serves lire Cu elty r°eseoree the charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of right to reject any and all $i2.40 2.40 bids. Illy i,j. I _A A._I • DATED:;June1S; #5----• Karri Muir Clerk of the Board -d and sworn too 06/23/201 , of County Commissioners i" �\ i .—a 1 Publish:The Chronicle -- — June 16th and Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, June 23rd;2015 residing at i Legal Description: Parcel No. 032037 001 rik0 d l&_Q)^ 000; approximately 14.15 acres described as: That portion of Govern- ment Lot 5 in Section 11, %% 0. 6ARq, 8 East, Township M 12 North,esc bed in 8 East, W.M., described in deed recorded March 1, �'`�,. .-*on Expo- �1,� 2012 under Lewis'Coup y S 0• s %-1‘ Auditor's`Rife No.3375071. :�`. -�Q,RY : .. L 309 June e I.s. & 23, 2015 :��o \G •_= Put ah_ed The` — p u a:�,,. �� E8. 25 i�',r��� #,∎ i41 Oft` '�" ass