Notice: Competitive Bidding Dispensing with Advertisement and formal sealed bidding with respect to purchases and leases under twenty-five thousand dollars E THE IutionNo.12-196. LEWIS COUNTY gE{T FURTHER RE- t3pARL1 flF.COIJNtY COsik tsstoNERS S,I VED that the .afar` RE:.PERTAINING enced vendor list is avails =TO cCDA fE. ble for public inspendor and prospective vendors eki Wray request information YIi1H �AENT pad�ets, which must be AND FORMAL SEALED completed in order to apply AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION B NG AND E t� i^d► ' the VENDOR UST AND available vendor list from STATE OF WASHINGTON SOLICITATION "`e Lewis County Auditors Office, Financial Services COUNTY OF LEWIS pivision.Leasesor purcha- WHEREAS, pursuant ses may thereafter tae to Resolution. No. 12-196 entered into by- scouring' Amanda Curry,says that she is the legal clerk of (RCW 39 04.180) the telephonic or written quota= County has identifd its tions from at least three usual and customary! different vendors never /�Y��Q r needs for leases or pur- possible to assure that,a l l l 11 b n�t a chases of.any materials, r Ye price is estab- V�j�j j j j equipment, sue, o, Iished and for awarding the services (hers!kra refer, contracts for such leases a semi-weekly newspaper,which has been established, red to as leases or Purch8 or purchases to the bwest published in the English language,and circulated ses) valued between five responsible bidder.Author- continuously as asemi-weekl y y news Paperirrthe City of � « �.. -� f .;: ,� �u-ior�-- • :.der Centralia,and in said County and State,and of p� isf=" dollars($25,000);and, Pence pf one year faun general circulation in said county for more than six(6) each publication of notice months prior to the date of the first publication of the WHEREAS,the Coun- and soiicitation.of vendors. Notice hereto attached,and that the said Chronicle was ty has established a van- Vendors responding to the on the 7th day of July 1941,approved as a legal dor list of current active solicitation will be given the vendors which is available opportunity to submd qua newspaper by the Superior Court of said Lewis County. for public'I pedkxi at the dons for darns contained Lewis County-Auditors Of- In their response. And that the attached is a true copy and was published lice, Financial Services Di- PY P L#g4635'June 30,2015 in regular issues(and not in supplement form)of vision;and, Published in'he Chronide said newspap r as Legal Ad#84635 WHEREAS, there are vendor information packets once each I A j4,/ or a period of 1 available in -the Lewis County Auditor's Office, LT m u ive /L�� Financial Services Divl- g sign, for completion by prospective vendors to ap- commencing on 06/30/2015 ply to be included on the available vendor list;and, and ending on 06/30/2015 WHEREAS,the Gorm- and both regularly distributed to its subscribers during ty shall publish in Its official all of said period.That the full amount of the fee newspaper a notice of charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of existence of the vendor list $74.40 and shall solicit the names 'CLt1rr - ,WHEREAS leases or Subscribed and sworn to on 06/30/2015 purchases may thereafter. be entered into by seeunng telephonic or written quota- tions from at least three different vendors whenever Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, passible-to assure that a residing at competitive Ode is estab- lished and for awarding the contracts for such leases or purchases to the lowest responsible bidder,Author- ity for such leases or purchases Is effective for the period of one year from each publication of notice and solicitation of vendors. Vendors responding to the wif be n the °Watunfiy to submit quo- tations for items contained in their response; B ; , tfra th Coun y ' ; thie s notice in Its official news- paper as provided in Reso-