Notice: accepting a bid on tax title property located off Olequa Drive, Vader NOTICE
the Board of County Commissioners
(BOCC), Lewis County,
Washington, intends to sell tax
parcel 010594 073 000,consisting
of 0.14 acre of land and tax parcel
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION acre of 074000,ocatedo Ol qua
acre of land both located off Olequa
Drive,Vader.The below described
properties were conveyed to Lewis
STATE OF WASHINGTON 1 County by the County Treasurer
SS following an unsuccessful attempt
COUNTY OF LEWIS to sell the properties at public
auction. The County has received
The undersigned,on oath state that he/she is an authorized representative
an offer 00 purchase amount nt of the
for$3,000.00,the amount of the
of The East County Journal,a weekly newspaper,which newspaper is a tax delinquency and miscellaneous
legal newspaper of general circulation and it is now and has been for more Treasurer's fees. RCW 36.35.150
than six month prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, allows for the disposal of the
published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper properties by private negotiations
in Morton,Lewis County,Washington, and it is now and during all of is providing that the inai al amount
g is no less than the principal amount
said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of of the unpaid taxes.Notice of the
publication of this newspaper. BOCC's intent to sell the properties
is hereby given to the public as
The notice in the exact form annexed, was published in regular issues required by LCC 3.30.390,thereby
of The East County Journal which was regularly distributed to its providing an opportunity to compete
for purchase by offer of more
subscribers during the below stated period. favorable price
The annexed notice,a Purchaser shall have five days
_� /«�/�j/1 J7 n �� from the date of award to pay
�[ - 7,,'7 2 ` _0 i�.GL�i for the properties in cash or by
cashier's check. Upon payment
I) iy to urt County Chehalis,Treasurer in the
�J[ 0/0,69-2/ �/`73 000 Courthouse,Chehalis,Washington,
a Treasurer's Deed will be issued for
was published on J/t, said properties.The County reserves
/ the right to reject any and all bids.
J / + a a, /� DATED:July 13,2015
Clerk of the Board of County
Publish: East County Journal
The amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum July 15th and July 22nd,2015
/ Legal Description:
of$ Ft 3- Parcel No. 010594 073 000;
- --_-_, - approximately 0.14 acre described
t,/[A e►_, C-,. JL/J "Q_Q j Lot 10, Enchanted Valley Third
Addition,as recorded in volume 6
of�� f J �H,dO/ Lewis Plats,pages 41 and 42,records of
Subscribed and sworn to before me thi day o c^'"� ✓ Lewis County,Washington.
Parcel No. 010594 074 000;
o\\cll�0 t�l� J ��/' i ` 1- `- `4' . approximately 0.18 acre described
,\44 CO,•."' '6N'J*'. i� Notary Public in and for the Lot 11, Enchanted Valley Third
i. `,/1' 0 A/...'19�_ State of Washington Addition,as recorded in volume 6
`'p� OTAR Yom`' o i Residing in�l of Plats,pages 41 and 42,records of
N i z E.-: Lewis County,Washington.
• +.— : - Published in The East County
s'?,''..(/. PUBL_G v,1 r Journal July 15,July 22,2015
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