2019-01-07 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up January 7, 2019 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, County Manager Erik Martin, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, Lara McRea, and Danette York Guest(s): Mona Rae Fish, Lindsey, Alex Brown- the Chronicle Recorder: Candace Hallom Remove PFD appointment from the agenda. Senior center overpayment Mona Rae discussed overpayment. Commissioner Stamper provided background, stating there was an overpayment from the Toledo group. Becky stated the information provided was through September and we need the information through December. Danette York entered the meeting at 9:10 am. Becky stated there is no contract or written agreement showing the contribution so Danette’s staff will need to review the information further. Commissioner Jackson would like to set up a time to discuss further. Get staff together to review the information provided. LTAC January 4th was the deadline for getting the billing in. The deadline can be extended with the Board approval through Wednesday. The Board agreed. Road Map to Washington’s Future/ January 8th special meeting This is not an open public meeting, it is an interview. January 8th from 6-7 will be an opportunity to take public comment to the Ruckelshaus meeting that the Board will be participating on Friday. North Fork staging Commission Fund stated the she heard that Cullen has not received the legal description for the staging portion. WSU update Erik questioned if they should be talking with Gary from WSU. This is regarding the former employee who has returned as a volunteer. The Monday meeting with WSU will be changed to a meeting with only Commissioner Jackson. Fire District 17 Interviews have been set up for February 11th. Farm Bureau and grain terminals Commissioner Fund provided information regarding grain terminals. Commissioner will invite Dave Fenn in to discuss further. National School Choice Week proclamation request. Commissioner Stamper recommended moving forward with the proclamation as he would like to recognize all schools. Budget Danette has requested that she be able to hire an additional employee due to the number of permits coming in. Erik recommended we see hard numbers prior to allowing this. Erik will discuss further at his County Manager update. Communication/correspondence At Farm Bureau Commissioner Fund was asked a number of questions regarding Fred Meyer. Fred Meyer was not in the County and so the County had no permits. In addition, the City only received one permit that was already processed. Commissioner Fund said the issue was connected to the Federal Hwy Administration and WSDOT. Commissioner Fund also received the question regarding traffic in Centralia in the Port area, and she shared NLCIA information. Meeting adjourned at 9:37 a.m.