2019-01-09 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update January 9, 2019 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lee Napier, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Archie Smith, Gary Fredricks, Danette York, Josh Metcalf, Wayne Whiton, Lara McRea Guests: Susan DeLaire, Linda Williams, Bob Guenther (9:25 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Lee Napier discussed a notice of hearing for Ordinance 1298 to consider changes to the management of Urban Growth Areas for cities and towns in Lewis County, LCC 17.15. Lee Napier discussed a notice of hearing for Ordinance 1299 to repeal Lewis County Code 17.35 – the historic Critical Areas Ordinance. Becky Butler discussed the acceptance of Interlocal Agreement for use of Jail Facilities between the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office/County and the City of Olympia. Josh Metcalf discussed the proposed acquisition of additional right of way for Middle Fork Road MP 7.07 in Onalaska. Josh Metcalf discussed the proposed acquisition of additional right of way for Logan Hill Road in Chehalis. Commissioner Fund discussed the reappointment of eight members to the Distressed Counties (.09) Fund / Rural Economic Development Public Facilities Advisory Committee. Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to approve the independent financial feasibility review for the bond issue for the Lewis County Public Facilities District (PFD). Commissioner Stamper made a motion to move two Notice items, two Consent items, and five Deliberation items to the Monday, Jan. 9, 2019, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Josh Metcalf said Public Works will have a late Rock Proposal notice to add for the Monday meeting. Roundtable Rieva Lester reminded the group that there would be no Business Meeting on Jan. 21 and no Directors’ Update on Jan. 16. She said the Jan. 14 meeting would include Employee Recognition. Steve Wohld urged caution regarding cybersecurity. Becky Butler said she is still running year-end reports. She said a 2018 budget amendment is scheduled for the end of the month. Josh Metcalf said the county will be accepting applications for the airport manager position. He said it will be a half-time position. Josh gave kudos to Tim Fife and Mike Kroll for a 99 percent compliance rating. Josh said FEMA has approved the Salmon Creek Road repair project and that the county will receive $2.8 million from FEMA, which will be used to purchase equipment. Josh said Chandler Bridge funding finally is expected, too. Lara McRea said she has scheduled a webinar for PRA and OPMA updates at 11 a.m. Jan. 29. Gary Fredricks said WSU Extension will be holding monthly meetings in Morton. Wayne Whiton said the Safety Committee will be tackling one emergency topic per month. Danette York said Homeless Connect events are planned for Jan. 24 and 25. Bob Guenther joined at 9:25 a.m. Lee Napier discussed the previous night’s workshop regarding the state’s Growth Management Act (GMA). She said she will discuss annexations, etc., with city governments the following week. Bob Guenther supported Lee’s push to have a vision for the future rather than hashing over the past regarding the GMA. Erik Martin said directors will be asked to review all mandated versus non-mandated programs within their departments. Commissioner Fund said she attended the Centralia City Council meeting the previous night. She said the city voted down an expansion regarding marijuana facilities. Becky noted that the state is getting a windfall for marijuana but that cities and counties that allow sales must share a pot of money that’s capped at $15 million. Bob Guenther said the Centralia Foundation is holding an open house at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 31 at the depot. Josh Metcalf further explained the Middle Fork Road project. He and Erik Martin further explained the eminent domain process. Erik and Josh said the county usually is able to reach a settlement and doesn’t reach the actual eminent domain step very often. Meeting adjourned at 9:48 a.m.