2019-01-14 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager January 14, 2019 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea Guest: Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget Erik Martin said he would meet with Becky Butler later in the day to address the budget timeline for the year. Erik discussed the casual employment resolution from earlier in the day. He said there was no specific timeline set. Public Health and Social Services Erik said he met with Public Health and Social Services the previous week. He said Danette York has asked for relief from the hiring freeze but that nothing has been resolved. Erik said he and Becky have requested additional information from the Coroner regarding his request to increase staff salaries. Erik gave a brief update on ongoing Environmental code enforcement issues. He noted that Scott Ridley, whose property at 509 Gish Road has violations, is incarcerated. Erik also discussed an offending property near the large Mossyrock bridge. Erik also discussed the Cindee Lane water system and a recent spill at Stericycle. Erik discussed leaving the animal shelter at its current site. He said Danette York has requested authorization to have a consultant do a preliminary design and feasibility study. Erik said that would be separate from KMB’s work. Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Fund supported allowing Danette to move forward with an RFQ. Erik said Dr. Wood wrote a health alert about influenza. Public Works Erik said airports transitioned to Public Works effective Jan. 1. He discussed providing clear direction to the airport advisory board. The group discussed setting up a meeting with Commissioner Stamper, Dave Campbell and others. Erik said year-end numbers show that Public Works will be about $6 million under budget. Erik said an engineer is working on a project to repave the Toledo runway. Erik said Josh Metcalf wants to hire a structural engineer to inspect the airport hangars but that Commissioner Stamper doesn’t want to do that. Erik said the Borst Avenue project is moving forward. Erik said Steve Ward apparently demolished Kemp Hall and took the building remnants to the rail yard instead of to the Solid Waste transfer station, which would be a flow-control violation. Community Development Erik discussed the benefits of Lee Napier’s LEAN project. Erik gave an update on Karen Witherspoon’s remote position. He said Community Development will have two vacancies to fill. He said RES Americas will meet to discuss the final EIS the following day. Commissioner Fund discussed having Erik serve as the backup for some of the commissioners’ various committees. Petty cash Lara McRea said the office has a petty cash account that she would recommend closing. The commissioners agreed. Mailboxes Commissioner Jackson supported having mail slots at each commissioner’s door. Commissioner Fund said she was fine with whatever was decided. Other Erik said Wayne Whiton is working on an errors and omissions package. Erik said he would be meeting soon with Central Services, HR, IT and Risk. He said he meets with Steve Mansfield regarding 911 rather regularly. Erik noted it would cost roughly $5,000 per year per entity to cover infrastructure needs, which Lewis County currently is funding fully. Erik said HR is working on union contracts. Erik said he would be attending a conference in Chelan beginning Jan. 16. Commissioner Jackson said he would be out of the office Jan. 24-28. The group reviewed calendars. Commissioner Jackson said he will only discuss meetings he plans to attend during business hours, not those that take place after 5 p.m. Commissioner Fund said she may be late to the Jan. 16 ESC meeting. She said she would call in for the meeting. Commissioner Jackson said he wouldn’t be available for the flood meeting. Erik discussed CAMS and Munis and work to eliminate the need for double entry. Meeting adjourned at 12:04 p.m.