2019-01-15 Budget MeetingBudget Meeting January 15, 2019 3:32 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler said 2018 year-end shows $1.4 million use for the General Fund (two months of sales tax will accrue back). She also reminded the group that the $500,000 was transferred. She said Roads has $20.9 million in revenue. Becky said the Treasurer still has not made its corrections for June and July 2018. Becky said she said she emailed Gary Fredricks three times since Jan. 8 to request the proposed 2018/2019 MOA and that she has not yet heard back. She said she CC’d Jim Kropf on the most recent request. Becky reminded the group that Gary works twice a week, whereas his predecessor, Sheila Gray, worked five days a week. Becky noted that the county has two .80 FTE employees. Becky said Eric Eisenberg has indicated that a simple resolution will suffice to modify interest language in the noxious weed ordinance. Becky said if the Treasurer is asking for revenue or repayment, the Treasurer would need to go to the Weed Board. Becky and Eric said they have asked the Treasurer to quantify what his $3,500 request would cover in regard to the Noxious Weed ordinance. Erik Martin left at 3:51 p.m. Becky asked Commissioner Fund for permission to offer lodging tax reimbursement training. She said she is aiming for Feb. 8 or 9. Becky said the 2018 budget amendment includes $7,000 for the Flood Authority and that Facilities will request $50,000. She noted that custodial supplies were over by $27,000. Becky said Tamara would like the commissioners and Erik to tour the fairgrounds prior to her next meeting with the board. Becky said she and Erik have discussed changing the county’s budget dates for 2019. She said the county still would adopt its budget on the first Monday of December. She said the call letter usually gets sent the first week in July. She is proposing postponing the call letter until the first week of August. She said budget meetings would be held in October instead of September. She suggested having the public informational meeting on Nov. 7. The commissioners approved her request to hold the all-day budget meetings on the second, third and fourth Thursdays in October. The commissioners supported the proposal to change the budget process dates. Becky discussed the possible need for MOUs with the surrounding cities for the animal shelter. Commissioner Jackson left at 4:24 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 4:29 p.m.