2019-01-15 Prosecutor UpdatePA’s Update January 15, 2019 2:04 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Jonathan Meyer, Janelle Kambich, Eric Eisenberg, Cullen Gatten, Sara Wibowo, Becky Butler, Archie Smith, Casey Mauermann, Wayne Whiton Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Linda Williams (2:08 p.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer said the PA’s Office is fully staffed. He said David Fine will return in May. He said he is looking to streamline the family support division. Eric Eisenberg said he has contacted Lee Napier and Josh Metcalf about airport leases. He said Amber would handle any commercial evictions. Linda Williams joined at 2:08 p.m. Commissioner Fund said roughly 60 people attended the final session of the Ruckelshaus Center’s Growth Management Act workshop. Erik Martin said the need for local control seemed to be the overall takeaway from the GMA workshops. Commissioner Stamper said the rules should be changed to allow homes to be built on 1-acre lots instead of 5-acre lots. Eric Eisenberg discussed the changes needed to spur the growth of affordable housing. Eric discussed the county policy regarding open public meetings. Eric said the PA’s Office recommends not adding anything to agendas without 24 hours’ notice. Eric discussed the Great Rivers Behavioral Health Organization’s transition to an LLC. He said GRBHO is looking at a model more in line with what Lewis County sought. Eric said Water Districts 2 and 5 have been invited to an open public meeting at the end of the month to discuss the moratorium. Commissioner Stamper said he would like to attend. He floated the idea of the county paying for a mediator/facilitator. The group discussed the possibility of lifting the moratorium as the two sides work toward a resolution. Eric said it could cost $2,000 to $2,500 for the mediator he is considering. He said the BOCC could say it’s willing to contribute funding toward the mediation. Dr. Pollock left at 2:34 p.m. Commissioner Fund made a motion to give Erik Martin authority to negotiate up to $3,000 to hire a mediator/negotiator for Water Districts 2 and 5. Commissioner Stamper seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Cullen Gatten said the Toston litigation has been dismissed. Erik said the next step regarding Tacoma Power is to seek outside counsel with expertise in the realm. Jonathan Meyer said he supports hiring outside counsel for the county’s Tacoma Power work. Commissioner Jackson left at 2:43 p.m. and returned at 2:45 p.m. At 2:46 p.m., Commissioner Jackson announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 15 minutes to discuss pending and potential litigation. At 3:01 p.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 10 minutes. At 3:11 p.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 10 minutes. Executive Session ended at 3:21 p.m. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to approve having counsel move forward with option 2. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting ended at 3:22 p.m.