2019-01-22 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up January 22, 2019 9:36 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, Lara Seiler Guest: Alex Brown Recorder: Rieva Lester The group briefly discussed Winlock’s already-approved .09 reimbursement request. Becky Butler said Cowlitz River Valley Historical Society turned their reimbursement request Jan. 8, which is outside of the deadline. She noted that much of it was for utility bills for December. Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Fund approved paying the late submission. Becky said she may send an email to the ESC regarding the funding that may be affected by the federal government’s ongoing shutdown. Becky discussed the budget timeline for 2019. Commissioner Jackson left at 9:41 a.m. Commissioner Fund discussed proposed legislation at the state level, including fish passage, broadband, indigent defense, House Bill 1008 and Senate Bill 5423. Commissioner Fund invited the group to check out legwa.gov to stay apprised on new bills. Erik Martin said he would be at the capitol all day Jan. 24. Erik said elected officials have asked that the county convene the citizens commission to review elected officials’ salaries. Commissioner Fund said she feels the elected officials knew what their salaries were when they ran for election. She said unfunded mandates already have caused financial concerns. Commissioner Stamper said he would be open to receiving more information. Commissioner Jackson returned at 9:56 a.m. Commissioner Jackson said he views salary increases as low on the priority list due to unfunded mandates and such. The commissioners asked Erik to review the process with the Treasurer and to discuss with electeds the tough budget discussions the county already is making. Becky left at 10:01 a.m. Commissioner Stamper said he would serve as the SWRTPO alternate. The commissioners supported creating a resolution to appoint Charlene Woodring to the Lewis- Thurston-Mason County AAA. Rieva Lester said she would draft a resolution. Commissioner Stamper said he would meet with Erik and Eric Eisenberg later in the day to discuss the upcoming meeting of Water Districts 2 and 5. The group discussed an upcoming presentation. The commissioners signed a letter of support for a feasibility study for the proposed SR 504 / Highway 12 link. Commissioner Jackson discussed the Jail’s recent budget amendment, of which it turned back the bulk of its request. Erik said he would like to fill the vacant Budget Tech position. Erik discussed proposed changes to the county’s internal budget process. Erik said the Treasurer’s Office has asked for an additional $3,500 for work on the weed assessment. Erik said it’s unclear where the expenditure line item would be. Erik said he will determine what the involvement of the Weed Board should be. Meeting ended at 10:23 a.m.