2019-02-04 Update with County ManagerUpdate with the County Manager February 4, 2019 11:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Steve Wohld, Wayne Whiton. Guests: Alex Brown, Dr. Lindsey Pollock and Linda Williams (11:20 a.m.), Paulette Young (12:01 p.m.) Recorders: Candy Hallom and Rieva Lester Erik Martin discussed quorum meetings. He wants to make sure the he has clear direction on how to establish quorum meetings and special meetings. Commissioner Jackson said we would like to see meeting routed through the County Managers office. Commissioner Fund would like things added right away and does not want to go through the County Manager office. Commissioner Stamper said he will call the County Manager if there is a meeting that he would like scheduled. He also said that we will usually add the topic to a wrap up agenda. Erik Martin discussed 911 and the citizens advisory group. He asked if the Board would like Erik to move forward with setting up this group. Commissioners would like him to move forward with this. Steve Wohld briefed the Board on the previous discussion regarding cybersecurity. Candy Hallom left and Rieva Lester joined at 11:15 a.m. Steve and Wayne Whiton discussed purchasing a cybersecurity “rider” insurance policy from the Washington Counties Insurance Fund (WCIF), through which the county already has limited pool coverage. They noted that the pool coverage is capped at $5 million, with participating entities only allowed a small share of the coverage. Wayne said there would be a $25,000 deductible, which would cover both policies. Steve said an average breach can cost more than $3 million. The additional coverage would cost $20,540 annually, they said. Wayne said the policy would cover errors and omissions, cyberattacks, etc. Linda Williams joined at 11:20 a.m. Commissioner Fund made a motion to purchase the additional cybersecurity insurance policy. Commissioner Stamper seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Lara McRea said IT is revamping the county’s content management system and plans to focus its efforts on PacketWriter after that. She said Cullen Gatten is working on an electronic signature policy. Steve said PacketWriter 2.0 production will begin at the beginning of March. He said a meeting to touch base on developments will take place in mid-March and that IT will determine a launch date after that. Steve said scammers can spoof email accounts and then send links in an attempt to get them to click on a link. Steve and Wayne left at 11:31 a.m. Erik said he has asked Risk for workers’ comp statistics. Erik said Public Works is recruiting for vacant RMT positions. He said Public Works would like to start three of the applicants out at steps higher than a Step C. Erik said his understanding is that the board has given him the authority to do so. Erik discussed courtroom security. He said the county can hire a casual to provide courtroom security at a cost of roughly $40,000 annually, which is far cheaper than the $90,000 and $180,000 plans floated in the past. Erik said the individual would work roughly 24 to 30 hours per week, would have a unique uniform, would report to Superior Court and would be armed. Erik said the judges are discussing the proposal. Erik said a meeting with District Court, Superior Court and the Sheriff’s Office is in the works. Commissioner Stamper said he needs a new key to the office. Erik said the Animal Shelter secured 30 dogs from Winlock the previous week. He noted that the tribe contributed to help cover the costs. Erik discussed a Jan. 26 dog attack at the Animal Shelter, which injured a citizen. He noted there are police reports related to the attack. Erik said Danette York has requested additional funding to help cover costs for the mandatory review of Lewis County Water District 2’s water system plan. He noted that the RCW indicates the Health Department and Engineer will have to review it before the BOCC can pass a resolution. Erik said it’s an unfunded mandate. He said Health is requesting coverage for 10 to 20 hours of work. Erik said the county doesn’t charge the districts a fee for the review. Dr. Lindsey Pollock discussed her understanding of what the review is designed to entail. Commissioner Jackson left at 11:54 a.m. Erik said it isn’t designed to be a word-for-word review. Erik said he will meet with Sean Bell regarding RES Americas later in the day. Commissioner Jackson returned at 11:57 a.m. Paulette Young joined at 12:01 p.m. Paulette and Commissioner Jackson left at 12:02 p.m. Commissioner Jackson returned at 12:12 p.m. The group discussed calendars. Commissioner Jackson left at 12:13 p.m. Meeting ended at 12:15 p.m.