2019-02-05 Meeting to discuss Salary CommissionMeeting to discuss Salary Commission February 5, 2019 4:00 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Daleyn Coleman, Archie Smith, Scott Tinney, Dianne Dorey, Larry Grove Recorder: Candace Hallom Erik provided handouts and briefly discussed the RCWs. Erik went through the memo provided by David Fine on January 17, 2018. Erik said that it is the Commissioners’ discretion as to how we want to set up the Salary Commission. Erik wants to make sure the practice that the Board wants for the planning commission is consistent with the Board’s Policy. Commissioner Stamper said he would like to be consistent. Erik provided options: • Take no action • Adjust salaries through legislative option • Establishing the citizen salary commission to all applicable elected officials • Select what elected officials goes before Salary Commission • Tie the elected officials to an index automatically tying it to something. Larry Grove spoke about the 10-member commission. The commission consists of 4 professional members from the public and 6 members from the voter registration which is difficult to fill. Commissioner Stamper said he likes the idea of the salary commission but it doesn’t get rid of the core problem. Scott Tinney read a statement that he sent to Erik Martin. Dianne Dorey said her deputy is now making more than she is. Commissioner Fund said it is tough discussing unfunded mandates and also giving raises to county elected’s officials. Commissioner Stamper said he supports looking into this further to assist the other elected officials. He would like to see a formula that is fair. Commissioner Stamper does not feel that the salary commission is the way to go. Commissioner Fund said she was not comfortable with the raise in 2014 and voted against it at that time. Erik clarified that the Board would like him to look into different scenarios not involving the salary commission. By next month he should have some information. The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.