2019-02-11 BOCC Wrap UpWrap-Up Meeting February 11, 2019 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin Guest: Alex Brown Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin gave an update on inclement weather procedures. He said Facilities came in early to clear the snow and that Public Works was plowing all weekend. He said 911 was busy over the weekend. The commissioners signed a corrected version of Resolution 19-035. Commissioner Stamper discussed a developer’s question regarding the airport obstruction zone. Erik said it’s FAA’s call. He said his understanding is that the county must enforce the FAA’s requirement. He said it’s up to the applicant to get approval from the FAA. Erik reiterated that the approval comes from the FAA, not the county. Commissioner Stamper said the Town Crier wants to do a story on the Lemmie Rockford rock pit. He said he would have the reporter interview Erik. Erik noted that there’s a discrepancy about where the floodplain sits. Commissioner Stamper said mining is taking place within the flood plain. Commissioner Fund gave a brief update on items before the state Legislature. She said one proposed bill would increase funding for indigent defense. She said bills regarding elections also seem to have garnered support. Commissioner Fund said Dave Fenn has been working to secure funding for the proposed grain terminal project. She said Dave has requested the commissioners sign a letter of support. She said the Port of Chehalis would apply for .09 funding for the project. Commissioner Fund discussed the Office of the Chehalis Basin. She said work to secure grant funding identified only a handful of properties that would qualify for assistance. Commissioner Stamper said there is talk of holding another fly-in at the Packwood airport in July. He said he has met with representatives from the east end and said they were happy to hear about the two requests to the state: $5.3 million for sewer and $600,000 for the floodplain study. Commissioner Stamper said he would reach out to Lee Grose regarding Lee’s request for Historic Preservation funding. Meeting ended at 9:41 a.m.