2019-02-26 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager February 26, 2019 3:06 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, DPA Eric Eisenberg, Lara McRea, Commissioner Jackson (4:01 p.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin said Cullen Gatten has made some minor changes to the MOA with WSU. Noting it’s too late in the process to implement the changes for 2019, Eric Eisenberg said it would be good in the future to have WSU hire its employees to do the work and then have Lewis County reimburse WSU for the costs of salaries and benefits. He said Cullen Gatten has reached out to Gary Fredricks about proposed minor changes for 2019. Eric said Lewis County wants to reach out to WSU’s risk or legal teams for changes for 2020 and beyond. Erik Martin said he would bring forward the minor changes Cullen already had suggested. Commissioner Fund noted it may be even further complicated since Lewis County shares its director with Cowlitz County. Commissioner Stamper said he would like Gary Fredricks to create a work plan outlining how staff will be managed. Eric said Cullen has worked with HR on the Motorpool report. Erik said a hearing needs to be set. Erik said Josh Metcalf will read the report, attend the Loudermill hearing with the employee and then make a determination. Erik said he will not review the report in case he needs to review it after Josh makes a determination. Eric left at 3:28 p.m. Erik said the pay scale for a courtroom security position is on the BOCC agenda for March 4. Erik said he would review county policy regarding an individual holding two positions within the county. Erik said the BOCC is being asked to fund $40,000 annually to Superior Court for the security position, which would cover the individual’s salary as well as a uniform. Becky Butler suggested creating a separate department within the general fund for the security position. Becky suggested also possibly moving the Sphere contract there as well. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Fund supported the idea but said they wanted Commissioner Jackson to weigh in, too. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Cullen Gatten: Ask Gary Fredricks to develop a work plan regarding staff management Lara: Ask Rachel to add East County Chamber’s recurring meetings to Commissioner Stamper’s calendar Erik said the E911 position recruitment process has begun. Lara McRea said Arvid’s had the apparent low bid for carpet replacement at roughly $25,000. The group discussed hosting Facilities for a pizza appreciation luncheon on March 4. Becky said the county will need more funding for the Planned Annual Continual Education (PACE) program manager time for Munis for 2019. She said there also is a change-order for roughly $45,000. Commissioner Jackson joined at 4:01 p.m. Becky noted that Tyler wrote off the $90,000 it didn’t charge Lewis County. The group discussed a possible property purchase. Erik said he would reach out about who will work on potential acquisitions. Becky noted that one-tenth of 1 percent funding can be used for the purchase. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to move forward with negotiations regarding the property the board discussed. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Erik said Steve Mansfield has outlined a proposed 911 Citizens Advisory Committee. He discussed the proposed make-up of the group as well as scenarios the group could review. The commissioners told Erik to continue moving forward with the 911 Citizens Advisory Committee. Erik said the Fair is proposing new events and vendors, including Extreme Midget Wrestling, Redneck Games and the Redskins Food Truck. The board did not object. Erik said Lee Napier plans to have John Kliem tackle WRIA planning and that Ecology grants are available. Erik discussed attendance at Fire Commissioner meetings. Commissioner Fund and Commissioner Stamper said the Fire Marshal, Doyle Sanford, should attend those meetings. They agreed that Public Works Director Josh Metcalf also should send a representative to all meetings (and to alert the Fire Commissioners if they cannot attend). They agreed that Community Development Director Lee Napier should continue attending Fire Chief meetings and attend Fire Commissioner meetings every so often as well. Lara said Cullen Gatten will meet with IT to discuss a policy regarding electronic signatures. Erik recapped for Commissioner Jackson the earlier discussion regarding the WSU MOA. The group discussed their upcoming calendars. Commissioner Jackson left at 4:41 p.m. The group discussed their upcoming calendars. Meeting adjourned at 4:56 p.m.