2019-03-04 Update with County ManagerMeeting with County Manager March 4, 2019 11: a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Archie Smith Guest: Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget Erik Martin said the board has a meeting with Budget the following day. Meeting schedule Erik said he will be rearranging some of his meeting schedules. The group discussed potential changes to the legislative meeting dates, times or places. The commissioners were not interested in changing. Commissioner Fund discussed the possibility of holding a legislative meeting at the Jackson Courthouse in Toledo when Julie Zander McDonald releases her book. WSU MOA Erik said the PA’s Office may give an update on the WSU MOA the following day. Health • Public Health and Social Services is looking at a $30,000 grant to offset costs associated with Ed Mund’s position. • Commissioner Fund said Danette York will represent the county on the Great Rivers Region Integrated Care Leadership Committee as the Great Rivers Health Organization (GRBHO) makes its transition to an LLC. • Erik said Health is interested in what the commissioners are going to do regarding position approvals. • Erik noted there are hold-ups in the Treasurer’s Office regarding year-end balances for 2018. • Erik said Danette York reported that Kit Carson’s most recent food inspection was excellent, which reflects a huge improvement at the restaurant. Archie Smith left at 11:26 a.m. • Erik said there are concerns regarding the Housing Resource Center, which appears to be providing inconsistent services. • Erik said the Glass Guy wants to relocate to a site in Napavine but the site doesn’t have water and sewer. Commissioner Jackson said the county is not in favor of allowing permits for temporary water and sewer facilities. Commissioner Jackson said he would follow up with Bill Teitzel. • Erik said he has a meeting set up with Danette and Lee Napier to discuss the Mineral RV. IT • Erik discussed email management and the possibility of a storage surcharge. He noted that the county has 200 or so email accounts for former employees that need to be reviewed. • Erik said Cullen Gatten is working on an e-signature policy. • Erik said Home Wave is experiencing technical difficulties. • Erik said the county needs to determine under which department Munis will land after it’s implemented. He said Tyler has recommended the county designate a county employee as a program manager. • Erik said the county’s website revamp was delayed slightly. Central Services • Erik said the BOCC office remodel is nearly complete. He and Lara McRea said larger carpet samples have been ordered. • Erik said the Star Tavern remodel is nearly complete. • Erik said cameras are being installed outside the courthouse. • Erik said the elevator repair will cost under $20,000. 911 Erik said he will discuss the idea of the citizen’s task force with the 911 group later in the day. He said the 911 manager position has been advertised. Community Development Commissioner Stamper said he told the Town Crier he would touch base with the Town Crier about the rock pit following an upcoming DNR meeting. Calendars Commissioner Jackson said he will be out of town Wednesday and Thursday. At 11:57 a.m., Commissioner Stamper recessed the meeting until 2 p.m. to discuss calendars. Meeting continued at 2:05 pm Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Candace Hallom The Commissioners discussed calendars for the next few weeks. Commissioner Fund plans on calling into the Wednesday Directors’ Update. Commissioner Fund would like a meeting scheduled with Timberland Library and the Board of Trustees in April. Meeting ended at 2:47 p.m.