2019-04-03 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update April 3, 2019 9:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Josh Metcalf, Lee Napier, Steve Wohld, Becky Butler, Danette York, Archie Smith, Tawni Shepherd, Lara McRea Guests: Susan DeLaire Recorder: Candace Hallom Becky Butler discussed a Notice of Hearing for the 1st 2019 Budget Amendment for Current Expense and Other Funds. Josh Metcalf discussed a call for sealed bids for the Borst Avenue Safety Improvements Project. Josh Metcalf discussed a notice publishing the Small Works Roster for Lewis County. Josh Metcalf discussed a notice publishing the Lewis County's On-Call Consultant Roster. Josh Metcalf discussed the publication of 2018 County Forces road construction projects and costs Josh Metcalf discussed a call for sealed bids for the Highway Safety Improvement Program, Phase II. Commissioner Fund discussed a resolution approving an Agreement Between Lewis County and The City of Winlock for the “Water Main Extension SR505” project. Commissioner Fund discussed a resolution approving a Grant Agreement between Lewis County and the City of Vader. Commissioner Fund discussed a resolution approving an Agreement Between Lewis County and The Port of Chehalis for the “Rail Transload and Grain Facility” project. Danette York discussed a resolution appointing Christopher Tawes to the Public Health & Social Services Advisory Board. Josh Metcalf discussed the designation of properties as part of the Packwood Airport. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution approving five Amendments to Project Agreements between Lewis County and the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) for fish passage restoration projects. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution approving a Deed of Right from Lewis County to the State of Washington acting by and through the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Funding Board (RCFB) and the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) for the Cowlitz River Public Access Point project. Commissioner Jackson discussed a resolution appointing Bonnie Brown to the Board of Directors of the Lewis County Public Facilities District (PFD). Commissioner Stamper moved Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion carried, 3-0. Roundtable Archie discussed ADA training that is coming up for office managers. Josh Metcalf discussed Northfork and said they are one property owner away from getting all the right of ways. Josh Metcalf discussed a culvert near Onalaska which has significant failures. Public Works may have an emergency project from the Culvert. Commissioner Fund stated the State Route 508 bridge will be opening Friday. Tawni said Risk Pool is coming out for a training the next few days. Danette announced that on April 15th Smokey Padgett will move to working in the Sheriff’s Office. Lee Napier discussed the Planned Growth committee meeting today. Commissioner Fund discussed pending legislation. Additionally, she added this is National County Government Month. The Commissioners reviewed applications received for the vacancy in Fire District 17. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to appoint Nicholas Waruszewski to Fire District 17. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting ended at 9:45 a.m.