2019-04-01 County ManagerUpdate with County Manager April 1, 2019 11:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper (via phone), Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Lara McRea Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Candace Hallom Budget Becky informed the BOCC that the first budget amendment is coming up in April. Central Services/CFP Update • Willdan presentation Willdan looks at ways to offset cost through efficiencies and grant programs. Central Services is considering contracting with them. • Elevator repair The elevator is not working as of today. They continue to work on it. IT Update • Server upgrades Erik and Steve Wohld had a long conversation about server upgrades. Steve will be upgrading some of the servers this year and some next year. • MUNIS staffing There has been conversation in the MUNIS group for a need of a MUNIS manager. • Packetwriter Packetwriter 2.0 is moving forward. There will be a meeting on April 11th. 911/DEM Update • Union negotiations Erik Martin updated the BOCC on the status of Union negotiations. • 911 Administrator Lewis County has received a number of applications but not many qualified applicants. We are going to do a more regional search to try and fill the position. • CUC Combined User Committee for 911 is meeting on Friday. • TCOMM Erik discussed TCOMM with the BOCC. The BOCC discussed the need in continuing and improving the current model, expanding the interlocal agreement with some shared control, and looking into options of regionalization. Erik said that we need to explore all options. Erik will put together a work plan and draft a letter to TCOMM for the BOCC to review. • Commissioner Fund said Centralia Police Department employee Tracy Murphy was picking up a PDR request from Cheryl and he feels he has some ideas to make things easier on getting documentation. Commissioner Fund would like Erik to talk to Steve Mansfield about it. Community Development Update Commissioner Jackson would like talking points that will help him explain why Pe Ell and Napavine should participate in the Chehalis Basin Partnership. He would like to relay the message to city/town councils. PHSS / Code Enforcement Update Erik is meeting with PHSS/Code Enforcement today. Announcements Commissioner Fund said the wrongful death bill in the legislature and it does look as if it will pass. Meeting ended at 11:46 a.m.