2019-04-08 Quarterly Update with Lewis County SeniorsQuarterly Update with Lewis County Seniors April 8, 2019 2:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Eric Eisenberg, Danette York, Doug Carey, Steve Walton, Ron Averill, Glenda Forga, Bill Morris Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler said staff members have calculated the 2017 figures regarding the Toledo Senior Center’s overpayment. She said Toledo overpaid roughly $18,000 or $19,000. She said the other centers had underpaid the county. She said the commissioners in 2012 asked the senior centers to make annual contributions and that Toledo had a verbal agreement that its funds no longer would be used to offset the other centers’ financial commitments. Ron Averill said the Toledo senior center had a policy of prepaying over the years. Glenda Forga said the centers were told to stop paying for a bit to use up any overage. Ron said he believes Toledo should get its overpayment back and the other centers should be asked to repay what they owe. Eric Eisenberg asked for clarification about whether it was a donation or a deal. Danette said the centers’ required contribution amounts were determined using facility costs and site leader costs. She and Ron said the money was raised through rentals, donations and college classes. Eric asked whether it was a “contract” with the Seniors Board or with each individual senior center. Ron said each of the five centers was required to provide money each month that the Seniors Board then turned over to the county. He said money rentals for college classes went directly to the county. Danette clarified that the centers were under county ownership at the time, so there was no need for actual contracts. Glenda clarified that the overarching board back then was an advisory board through which the money was merely funneled. Eric said it appears the Seniors Board of today is a successor of that original group. Ron said it may be difficult for one or two of the centers to pay the amounts they still owe. Eric asked if there was ever an understanding about what would happen to the funds after the county stepped away from the senior centers. Glenda said there was not. Eric left at 3 p.m. Ron said the Seniors Board is finalizing its 2018 summary. He said the board had budgeted revenues at $548,053 for 2018 and that its year-to-date actual amount was $514,042. He said the board had budgeted expenditures at $548,053 and that the actuals totaled $503,666. Ron and Glenda reviewed the Seniors Board’s 2019 budget. Commissioner Jackson left at 3:11 p.m. Ron said the 2019 budget reflects increases to expected donations and to rental fees. He noted that the centers’ suggested contributions will remain unchanged. Commissioner Jackson returned at 3:14 p.m. Ron continued to review the Lewis County Seniors Board’s 2019 budget. He said the group is still trying to obtain its gambling and liquor licenses. Glenda noted that 2018 utilities were higher than 2019’s will be because of required deposits. She said the board may be able to recoup some of those. Glenda said 2019 totals reflect a 3.5 percent cost of living increases for employees. Ron and Glenda said the thrift store is still doing amazingly. Glenda said the thrift center brings in $20,000 monthly. Ron and Glenda reviewed the centers’ rental rates. Commissioner Jackson left at 3:31 p.m. and returned at 3:32 p.m. Meeting ended at 3:33 p.m.