2019-04-08 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager April 8, 2019 11:04 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, Lara McRea, Danette York, Sara Sons, Commissioner Stamper (11:10 a.m.) Guests: Alex Brown, Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Peter Lahmann Recorder: Rieva Lester PFD Loan Amendment Becky Butler said she has helped draft an amended loan agreement to address the PFD loan repayment. Budget Commissioner Jackson said he’d like to see the Distressed Counties policy updated. Erik Martin said it might be good to ask the .09 committee to review its policy. Commissioner Stamper joined at 11:10 a.m. County manager delegation of authority The commissioners said they have not yet reviewed the documents Erik has provided. Erik said he can approve out-of-county travel on behalf of the board. He said policies and contracts will need to be addressed. Public Health and Social Services / Code Enforcement meetings Senior centers: Danette York said the county used to track “revenue” from each individual senior center. She said the county would provide documentation to the centers during the monthly “big meeting” to outline the expected contributions as well as the amounts still needed to meet their requirements. She said it included any rollovers for previous years. She said Toledo had contributed more than its required amount and was told to stop making contributions for donations, Centralia College classes and rentals. She said other centers also stopped contributing at that time. Danette said Toledo indicated it had an overpayment. She said the county had stopped tracking the monthly amounts. She said she and Becky reviewed CAMS for the amounts. She said it appears Toledo had an overpayment of $19,000 but that the rest of the centers had not made their required contributions for the year. Danette said her recommendation would be to work with the seniors board to come up with some kind of solution. Erik noted that the other centers’ underpayments exceed Toledo’s overpayment. Commissioner Jackson said it’s an issue Toledo needs to hash out with the new Lewis County Seniors Board. Danette clarified that Toledo paid more than its share and that the amount appears to have been used to cover the other centers’ expenses. Erik noted there is no contract or anything indicating what the county should do. Becky suggested reaching out to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for guidance. Danette said it would be unfair to repay Toledo but not request the underpaid amounts from the other centers. Erik said the board may want to consider creative options, such as making updates to the building or purchasing appliances, etc. Alex Brown said the center had said it planned to use the money to update the center doors. Erik said he would invite a member of the PA’s Office to the meeting with the seniors later in the day. Danette noted that Toledo had stopped contributing donations as requested but that rental fees and Centralia College funding came to the county automatically. Code Enforcement meetings: Erik said Bill Teitzel would like to meet monthly instead of quarterly. Developmental Disabilities RFP Recommendations: Danette York introduced Developmental Disabilities Coordinator Sara Sons. She said the Developmental Disabilities committee has made funding recommendations for millage funds. Sara said state funding was identified for some of the projects. Danette said the millage dollars are earmarked for two streams: mental health and developmental disabilities. She said the county generally splits the funding equally between the two. Danette said the contracts will be approved via resolution. The commissioners approved the funding recommendations. Sara left at 11:39 a.m. Code Compliance position: Erik said the position has been filled. Strategic Map: Erik said PHSS created a Strategic Map the previous year. He said he’d like to emulate the one-page approach for the county’s strategic planning. Danette left at 11:42 a.m. 911/DEM Update CUC: Erik said he attended a meeting the previous week. He said overtime is down, complaints are down and things appear to be running more smoothly. He said he and Steve Mansfield are developing a work plan. Erik said he has recommended a review of the ILA and that instead the group recommended leaving the ILA unchanged for the next two years. He said a follow-up meeting is tentatively planned for July. HR update Motorpool: Employee at center of investigation has been terminated. Union negotiations: Guild may be close to calling an impasse. Operations guild appears nearing an agreement. Commissioner Jackson left at 11:51 a.m. Central Services/CFP Update The L & I elevator inspection is scheduled for April 10. Calendars / vacation schedule Commissioner Stamper noted that the EDC membership lunch is scheduled for April 18, not April 11. Commissioner Fund said she may be out of the office April 18-19. Erik said he will be out of the office April 23-26. Commissioner Fund suggested holding an Administrative Assistant Day celebration on April 22. Meeting ended at noon.