2019-04-16 Update with BudgetUpdate with Budget April 16, 2019 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler Guest: Alex Brown Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler reviewed 2018 year-end figures. She said estimated actuals show that sales and use tax, forest board yield and other revenues were up for 2018, so the county added to its reserves rather than used reserves. She said the positive changes appear to be related to one-time revenues. Becky said all-day budget meetings will take place in October. She said the contract for the Ops group could have an effect on the 2019 budget, as could Risk rates. She said the unemployment rate could be eliminated to offset general liability rates for Workers’ Comp. She suggested leaving $2 million in Workers’ Comp. She said PDRs may be moved to rates. Becky said WSU is working on adjusting in response to the request to reimburse the county for costs associated with the part-time director. Becky said 2019 timber taxes were posted early. She said DNR trust land revenue projections are expected in the next two weeks or so. She said those payments have been coming in higher than in recent years. Becky said interfund payments are getting caught up in Munis. She said sales tax is good right now. She gave the following updates: • Tacoma Power is working on reimbursements linked to the CPI. • The county may need to ask the Lewis County Seniors for its thrift shop financials in the future. • Arny Davis was unhappy that the recently passed resolution did not reflect the group’s recent payment. • The senior centers as a whole still owed the county roughly $6,500 above and beyond the Toledo center’s overpayment. Becky cautioned that some PEBB changes may have a budgetary impact, especially regarding casual positions. The group discussed difficulties regarding recruiting and retaining personnel. Meeting ended at 9:34 a.m.