2019-04-15 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update April 15, 2019 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Tamara Hayes, Commissioner Jackson (11:08 a.m.) Guest: Alex Brown, Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget Erik Martin noted that update scheduled for April 16. Commissioner Fund asked if the commissioners have funding in their budget to join the Packwood membership group. Becky Butler noted that travel, training and memberships are lumped under one line item. Commissioner Fund and Commissioner Stamper suggested having Discover Lewis County join. County manager delegation of authority No update. 911/DEM Update 911 work plan: Erik said the long-term work plan is in Phase I – exploring options regarding 911. He said strategic planning and infrastructure and staffing studies are taking place. He said the commissioners will need to visit the fire districts and police departments in each of their districts. Commissioner Jackson joined at 11:08 a.m. Erik said he would provide some 911 talking points. He provided a breakdown of fire districts and police departments located within each of the three commissioners’ districts. Commissioner Stamper said he would reach out to fire chiefs. EMD Coordinator: Erik said Steve Mansfield is looking at succession planning for Jill Kangas in Emergency Management. TO-DO LIST / RECAP PA’s Office: Add senior centers and Tacoma Power to agenda. Central Services / CFP Update Project updates: Erik said work on the Star Complex is nearly complete. He and Steve Walton said the District Court remodel is in the works and that carpet replacement will follow. Steve said the BOCC’s carpet will be replaced beginning in late May. Steve said 14 cameras are yet to be installed. He said the remodel of the former WSU room may begin before the fair launch. Fair preparations: Erik and Tamara Hayes discussed the recent Renaissance meeting. Tamara said the fair kickoff party is planned for April 23. She said the fair will include a window display contest. She said paving will take place at the fairgrounds the following week. She said she is looking into having the fairgrounds become a site for animal emergencies. Tamara said Discover Lewis County is doing a marketing blast in Palm Springs, thanks to a grant. SWW Fair Sponsor: Erik noted that Tamara is working on sponsors. Tamara said the fair is looking for sponsors for a $3 night (Thursday of the fair) for high school students who display their ASB cards. Commissioner Stamper asked for a future update on lighting at the Morton senior center. HR Update Union negotiations: Erik said an MOU is planned for April 22 in response to the Spanski ruling. FMLA: Erik and Lara McRea said the FMLA portion of the employee handbook will be updated. Travel policy: Erik said the travel policy is being updated regarding the use of personal credit cards. Public Health and Social Services / Code Enforcement Update Senior centers: Commissioner Jackson discussed a suggestion to replace the doors at the Toledo Senior Center in lieu of repaying Toledo’s overpayment. Erik suggested reviewing the county’s options with the PA’s Office. Public Works Update Borst Avenue: Erik gave a brief update on Borst Avenue. North Fork: Erik gave a brief update on North Fork. Solid Waste: The group discussed Earth Day. Airports: Erik said he’ll ask about the airport hours. Calendars / vacation schedule Commissioner Fund suggested the commissioners get “I love county government” photos while out in their communities. Commissioner Jackson said he will be on vacation May 1-6. Announcements Erik said Tacoma Power plans to address CPI mitigation – including back pay for 2018 – by April 19. Meeting ended at 11:50 a.m.