2019-04-16 Meeting with District CourtMeeting with District Court April 16, 2019 8 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Judge RW Buzzard, Hazel Dibble Recorder: Rieva Lester Judge Buzzard said Vader wants to have the county provide court services instead of having a municipal court of its own. He said the contract would be with Lewis County. Judge Buzzard said it would be similar to Morton, Pe Ell, Toledo and others, in that the cities would bring their own attorney and the commissioners would determine jail costs, filing costs, etc. He said Vader had 14 cases in 2012 and 13 cases in 2013. Hazel Dibble noted the Sheriff’s Office would need to flag which cases are Vader cases. Hazel noted that the cities’ filing fee rates for infractions ($25) and criminal citations ($65) have remained unchanged since 2002. Judge Buzzard said Jonathan Meyer indicated the PA’s Office would prosecute the cases at no additional charge to the cities. He said it would be important to make sure the Sheriff’s Office marks the cases as Vader cases (not county cases) for tracking purposes. Hazel said Vader would have to decide with its already-existing cases. Judge Buzzard said Vader pays Winlock an estimated $15,000 for the partnership it has with Winlock. Commissioner Fund discussed addressing medical costs in the contracts so the county would not get stuck with medical bills for inmates from Vader. Judge Buzzard said Napavine also has expressed an interest in using Lewis County’s services. Judge Buzzard said District Court is losing employees over salaries. Erik Martin said the next steps will be to have the PA’s Office review Vader’s proposed agreement and to have a conversation with the Sheriff’s Office about flagging the cases as Vader cases. Judge Buzzard suggested updating all city contracts since the county will be reviewing its contract with Vader. The group further discussed Lewis County’s salaries compared to surrounding counties’ salaries. Meeting ended at 8:21 a.m. TO-DO LIST / RECAP BOCC: Discussed Vader’s proposed courts contract with the PA’s Office and the Sheriff’s Office