2019-06-04 Budget UpdateBudget Meeting June 4, 2019 3:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, Risk Manager Wayne Whiton, Doug Carey, Public Works Director Josh Metcalf Guest: Alex Brown Recorder: Becky Butler 2018 year-end review: No update. Treasurer still working on year-end. Budget 2019 January - June Actuals: No update. Payroll will be posted in the next week for May, and Becky Butler said numbers will be provided at an update later in June. 2020 Planning/Timeline: • Discussed 2020 budget and planning reviewed memo for the internal service fund departments that will be distributed June 14. Becky will be training these specific departments in Munis budget processing next week. • Discussed 2020 budget workshops with elected officials for budgeting and strategic planning. Erik mentioned he was working on a tentative schedule for the strategic planning effort. The Board agreed to have a workshop with just elected officials. • Reviewed the list of known retirements received for 2020. Becky said we will be sending the same request to the elected offices for planning purposes. Discussed the need for succession planning. • Asked the commissioners to review goals and priorities going into the 2020 budget and strategic planning. Timber Revenue SRS/PILT/DNR: Becky mentioned the PILT funds will be received at the end of June; the Department of Interior issued a press release in March indicating it will include full funding for 2019 and 2020. We are hopeful that will be equivalent to the 2018 distribution of $1.2 million. Toledo Senior Center: Becky noted the meeting with the Toledo senior board is next week on June 12 and that the Toledo Board has agreed to the final draft agreement. Facilities is working on the bids for the flooring and kitchen cabinets. Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.