2019-06-04 Meeting regarding State Park LandMeeting to discuss State Parks land June 4, 2019 4:00 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, Risk Manager Wayne Whiton, Doug Carey, Josh Metcalf Guest: Alex Brown Recorder: Candace Hallom Erik Martin explained the purpose of the meeting: Lewis County has an opportunity to purchase property from Washington State Parks. Josh stated Public Works has gone through four documents from State Parks. After reviewing documents and emails. Josh does not feels the Quick Claim Deed provided by State Parks is appropriate since there have been alterations to the property since the time State Parks became owner. Changes include a property owner with an easement, a property that has a drain field in the state park, and a boundary line adjustment completed in 2011. State Parks needs to include those items in the deed. Josh said he attended a public meeting and noted that there are groups interested in the trails. The property is already being used but the public would like to see parking and trashcans added. Erik said State Parks has no intention to build a park at this location. Wayne is concerned with the implied liability. Lewis County’s current park system is taxed and running with a skeleton crew. Erik thinks that State Parks will wait and allow Lewis County time to make a decision. There is ability to harvest timber, which would allow the county to develop the recreational side. Commissioner Jackson likes the idea of waiting and talking further to Packwood citizens to see if there are groups that would be interested in contracting with the county to maintain the park. Erik will talk with Lee Grose and let Lee know what the BOCC discussed. Erik will also check with State Parks to see if they will wait a little longer for the County to make a decision. Meeting adjourned at 4:37 p.m.