2019-06-04 PA UpdatePA Update June 4, 2019 2:00 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, David Fine, Jonathan Meyer, Sara Wibowo, Amber Caulfield, Eric Eisenberg, Janelle Kambich, County Manager Erik Martin, Wayne Whiton, Becky Butler Guest: Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Candace Hallom David went over the indemnity and defense of county employees and elected officials resolution. David will get the drafted resolution to Rieva for the June 17th BOCC meeting. David discussed the collective bargaining process and recommended the Board instruct Steve Walton to provide written notification to each collective bargaining unit that the BOCC may be taking advice in the future from the County Manager and attorney. Commissioner Stamper moved to instruct the acting Human Resources Administrator to inform each of the County’s collective bargaining units that this Board may take input from the County Manager and from our attorneys prior to deciding whether or not to ratify any labor-management agreements. Commissioner Fund seconded. Erik Martin asked if the BOCC could take advice from anyone. David wants to protect the right of input from the County Manager and legal counsel. Commissioner Stamper withdrew the motion. Commissioner Stamper moved to instruct the Acting Human Resources Administrator to inform each of the County’s collective bargaining units that this Board may take input from all appropriate County officials, including the County Manager and from our attorneys prior to deciding whether or not to ratify any labor-management agreement. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion carried 3-0 Jonathan Meyer asked who the contact person is to start discussions for bargaining agreement. Erik Martin stated the contact is Steve Walton. Jonathan discussed staffing. The Prosecuting Attorney’s office has done two interviews and they anticipate making an offer by Friday to fill a vacant ITA position. Jonathan and Janelle left the meeting at 2:15 p.m. Eric Eisenberg stated the Planning Commission had a meeting where a number of citizens addressed the commission prior to the meeting to asked questions regarding the proposed Crystal Geyser site in Randle. Amber stated at the last update dissolution of two special purpose districts was discussed. She provided a memo showing what it would entail and what it would look like to dissolve the two districts. Commissioner Stamper would like a list of all the drainage and diking districts in Lewis County. Amber will get that information to the commissioners. Eric said the auditor has a number of responsibilities for the special purpose districts and when they are inactive the auditor is still required to complete the duties. Erik Martin asked if any of these district own assets. Amber said if the BOCC were to dissolve the district it would be part of the Boards’ duties to determine those assets. The Board recommends having separate hearings for both districts. Amber discussed an interlocal with the City of Vader for District Court services. Amber provided a draft to the BOCC for review. This interlocal is included on the Directors’ Update for June 5, 2019, and set to go before the BOCC on Monday, June 10, 2019. Amber discussed Water–Sewer District 5. Amber sent a list of documentation needed prior to making a decision. Amber said this will be dependent on how long it will take Water-Sewer District 5 to get documentation to her. At 2:43 p.m., Commissioner Jackson announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 10 minutes. At 2:53 p.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 5 minutes. Executive Session ended at 2:58 p.m. Commissioner Jackson announced that no decisions had been made. Eric Eisenberg asked for a decision on paying Mr. Thomas $216.00 or a similar amount. Commissioner Stamper would like that number verified. Commissioner Jackson did not want make the decision today on paying the amount. There was not directive today to pay the amount. Meeting ended at 3:02 p.m.