2019-06-10 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up June 10, 2019 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Timberland Regional Library (TRL) Director Cheryl Heywood, TRL Trustee Hal Blanton, TRL Trustee Brian Zylstra, TRL Finance Manager Eric Lowell, Kendra Jones, Liz Squires, Mary Prophit, Ryan Williams Guests: Alex Brown, Jared Wenzelburger, Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Bob Guenther (9:20 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Timberland Regional Library Director Cheryl Heywood gave updates on library services. She said: • 9,618 patrons have used their library cards so far this year. • Digital access for Lewis County has increased from 2012 to 2019. • Fewer people may be using the library’s internet service, but they’re using it or longer periods of time. • Those who live outside of the library service areas (such as Mossyrock or Pe Ell, etc.) can still obtain cards if they work or attend school inside service areas. • Library usage is declining. (Cheryl noted that usage declines when the economy improves and increases when the economy slides.) • TRL has signed a three-year lease for the Randle site. • TRL has looked into the idea of creating a foundation, but the trustees opted not to do so. • TRL is drawing down the number of its FTEs. • Patrons can donate to Friends of the Library groups. She and the group also discussed: • Library pop-ups at Mineral and Morton. • Door counts. • Family use of library cards (instead of children obtaining their own cards.) Cheryl asked that the commissioners spread the word about the breadth and depth of the services the library offers. Cheryl said a survey completed last year is being used to measure outcomes of the summer library services and that the same types of surveys will be used to measure Workforce Development and others. However, she said, West Care will keeps its own stats after it launches at the end of the summer. Cheryl said “My TRL” is being used to help students connect with library services. Commissioner Fund asked if “rural” could be added back into the library’s mission. Cheryl said the Board of Trustees will be reviewing its strategic plan again soon. Bob Guenther said the National Association of Laborers will attend a hearing June 11 to discuss local hiring for the windfarm program. Erik Martin clarified that the June 11 Hearings Examiner hearing is regarding shorelines. Lara McRea said carpet installation will be completed by the end of the week. Erik Martin discussed a Public Works meeting the previous week. He said he will help with planning for the broadband office and will serve as an alternate on the airport committee. Meeting ended at 9:47 a.m.