2019-06-17 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager June 17, 2019 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Wayne Whiton, Becky Butler, Martin Roy, Steve Walton, Martin Roy, Tamara Hayes, Eric Eisenberg Guests: Alex Brown, Sean Bell, William Serrahn Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget No update. Skookumchuck wind farm Eric Eisenberg said the county is in negotiations with RES Americas about a crossing agreement for the transmission line that goes to the substation. He said the line would cross over Big Hanaford Road twice. Eric said it’s being treated similar to how a franchise would be treated. Eric said RES would like an agreement for 41 years instead of the standard 5-year agreement given for franchises. Eric said the smaller agreement window gives the county the ability to address any concerns that may arise. The commissioners directed Eric to continue exploring safeguards that would allow for a longer agreement, including: • Dispute resolution language, including verbiage about awarding attorney’s fees • Five-year review schedule • Compensation • Indexed insurance limits Commissioner Fund asked Eric to reach out to Kittitas County to learn about its process. Eric, Martin Roy and Sean Bell left at 11:15 a.m. 911 / Department of Emergency Services Fire paging system: Erik Martin discussed funding needs for the fire-paging system. Infrastructure study: Erik said he Users group met with the consultant the previous week. Commissioner Jackson said Adam Wasserman indicated that the state has mandated infrastructure studies across the state. Central Services / CFP Recreation grant: Tamara Hayes discussed grant funding available. She asked for the BOCC’s support regarding efforts for a countywide Recreation Plan. The commissioners said they support the effort. Southwest Washington Fair: Tamara said flowers donated by Adna Floral arrived earlier in the day. She said the Fair Association has requested renaming the South Stage the “Fair Association Community Stage.” The group discussed keeping “South” in the name. The commissioners agreed to rename it the “Fair Association Community Stage South.” Packwood state parks land: Erik discussed a recent trip to the property. Wayne Whiton said the property includes a gravel pit. Wayne said obtaining the property appears to be a low-risk opportunity to obtain something beneficial to county residents and visitors. He said a nonprofit could be tasked with maintaining it. Erik said he will have the PA’s Office review a draft agreement for the property. William Serrahn said DOT has a risk for a gravel pit but that one doesn’t really exist. CFP: Erik said CFP will present a broad proposal to the BOCC soon. He said financing plans remain unclear. Tamara left at 11:44 a.m. Announcements Erik said he and Becky Butler recently met with Shad Hail regarding the need for a new juvenile center. HR Erik said Daleyn Coleman has been working on an update for the light refreshment and meals policy in the employee handbook. He asked the commissioners to review the draft and provide feedback. Calendars / vacation schedules Erik said he will attend a July 1 meeting regarding the Flood Control Zone District. Erik noted that the Washington State Parks reviewed its plans for the Packwood property in 2010. Meeting ended at 11:53 a.m.