2019-06-24 Code Enforcement meetingCode Enforcement meeting June 24, 2019 2:32 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Bill Teitzel, Cullen Gatten, County Manager Erik Martin, JP Anderson Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Frank Wood, Linda Wood, Jim Merhaut Recorder: Rieva Lester Bill Teitzel outlined the steps his department takes regarding code violation complaints: • Verify and document the complaint • Send a courtesy letter • Send a notice of violation • Issue a civil infraction through District Court • Hold a hearing or voluntary agreements Bill said most cases are voluntarily abated, but some property owners fail to appear in court and fail to correct the violations. He discussed the pros and cons of county abatement of nuisance properties. • Pros: Eliminates the issue, even if temporarily; funding is available; shows progression • Cons: Requires a court order, increases staff hours, limited funding, problem can reoccur, it uses taxpayer money, lien process is lengthy Bill recapped some of the frequent non-compliant properties. Cullen Gatten discussed the creation of a code provision similar to the animal code violation provision, which triggers action if there are five or more violations in a 10-year period. Cullen said he will reach out to other counties to see how they respond to similar problems. Cullen discussed the process of declaring properties a public nuisance. Frank and Linda Wood of Randle discussed their concerns regarding a nuisance property in their homeowners’ association. They said they have a hearing scheduled for July 19. They said he owes around $10,000 in dues and interest. Jim Merhaut said it appears six people are living on the property. Erik Martin left at 3:14 p.m. The group discussed the difference between those who are homeless by no fault of their own versus those who continue to choose the lifestyle of homelessness. Bill and Cullen said they would do further research. Meeting ended at 3:22 p.m.