2019-07-01 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up July 1, 2019 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Lara McRea, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld Guests: Various members of the public and press Recorder: Rieva Lester The commissioners noted that the call for bids for the Interstate Avenue project was held. Rieva Lester gave an update on the Salary Commission, noting that the county has received one application – for the business field. The commissioners directed Rieva to reopen the application process and reach out to professionals in the remaining three fields. Lara McRea said the cost estimate to have a Laserfiche representative consultant visit Lewis County to discuss expanded service – including adding minutes online – is $2,000. The directed staff to move forward with the consultant. Commissioner Stamper said he is interested in having the county create a noise ordinance. He said he’d like to meet with the PA’s Office and the Sheriff’s Office to discuss the possibility of a noise ordinance. Rieva noted that they have a meeting scheduled for the following day to discuss the topic with the Sheriff’s Office and PA’s Office. Becky Butler said the Tacoma Power agreement is in legal review process. Commissioner Fund said she’d like to discuss the topic with the PA’s Office. Rieva noted it’s a topic on the following day’s agenda. The commissioners directed Rieva to set up a meeting with TransAlta. Commissioner Fund and Commissioner Jackson asked to have staff RSVP for the upcoming Ag tour. Commissioner Stamper discussed river access on Galvin Road that has posed a problem for property owners in the area due to vandalism and drugs. He said he’d like Josh Metcalf to give an update. Commissioner Stamper recapped the community meeting about Crystal Geyser that took place in Randle the previous week. He said he and Erik Martin outlined the steps permits of that type would have to TO-DO LIST / RECAP Rieva / BOCC staff: • Reopen Salary Commission application (and reach out to labor, HR and legal groups) • Schedule meeting with TransAlta • RSVP for Ag tour for Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Fund • Add topics to PA’s agenda follow. He said Community Development has been instructed to let the commissioners know if any permits are submitted. Becky said District Court had asked to have a probation officer be moved from casual position to a full- time regular position for benefit purposes. She said he has been working up to 100 hours monthly. Becky said the commissioners could choose to move the employee to a full-time permanent status and determine whether the county will offer to contribute toward those benefits. Commissioner Fund discussed an upcoming Regional Agriculture Development meeting. She said she would reach out to Mike Peroni to further discuss it. Commissioner Fund discussed an upcoming broadband workshop that USDA will host in Lewis County. Rieva said she would reach out to the Auditor’s Office regarding a question about food for the event. At 9:38 a.m., Commissioner Jackson recessed the meeting until 11 a.m. The meeting resumed at 11:13 a.m. with Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund and Becky Butler in attendance with guests Alex Brown, Dr. Lindsey Pollock and Peter Lahmann present. Becky said the Auditor’s Office needs a determination about the District Court employee by the day’s end. She said District Court anticipates having the employee continue working 80 to 100 hours. Becky said PEBB, per the WAC, dictates that the county make insurance coverage available to qualifying employees. She said the commissioners can approve it with language indicating District Court must absorb it in its 2019 budget. She said she, the Auditor’s Office and HR are reviewing how the WAC will affect casual employees. Becky clarified that the position would be considered a regular position. The commissioners approved the PAF, with the understanding that District Court must make a request above and beyond its limitations for 2020. Commissioner Fund said Janean Parker has requested permission to use leftover lodging tax funds for another avenue for getting the farm information to the public: placemats. The commissioners agreed to allow the Farm Bureau to use lodging tax funds to purchase placemats. Becky left at 11:30 a.m. Josh Metcalf joined at 11:32 a.m. Commissioner Stamper asked about county-funded lights along streets. Josh said the Onalaska School District likely pays for the lights near its schools. Josh discussed the lighting analysis the county uses to determine whether the county should provide lighting. Josh said he would attend the following day’s PA Update. Josh discussed the river access on Galvin Road. He said it appears vandals removed some of the boulder barriers. The commissioners discussed their calendars. Meeting ended at 11:49 a.m.