2019-07-08 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up July 8, 2019 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Cullen Gatten, County Manager Erik Martin (9:01 a.m.), Josh Metcalf (9:02 a.m.) Guest: Alex Brown Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Stamper made a motion to add the following two items to the day’s Business Meeting: Notice of the temporary closure of a portion of Borst Avenue and a call for bids for a vehicle to be purchased by Community Development. Commissioner Fund seconded. Erik Martin joined at 9:01 a.m., and Josh Metcalf joined at 9:02 a.m. Josh described the planned partial closure of Borst Avenue. Motion passed 3-0. At 9:04 a.m., Commissioner Jackson announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 12 minutes to discuss potential litigation related to Green / Restvedt. Executive Session ended at 9:16 a.m. Commissioner Jackson noted that no decisions had been made. Cullen Gatten said he has spoken to the owner of the Blue Road property that the county has a lien against. He said he is still negotiating terms of the repayment. He said the owner is asking the county to waive any and all interest. Cullen left at 9:20 a.m. The group discussed the Salary Commission vacancies. The group discussed the upcoming Broadband workshop. Rieva Lester noted the former Sen. Pearson planned to stop by to tour the potential rooms later in the day. She said she also has worked with the Auditor’s Office to draft a memo regarding food purchases Commissioner Fund said Dave Fenn has agreed to represent the county at the upcoming NW Ag center meeting, which will take place on a Monday. Rieva Lester discussed a request to name Lewis County a “Purple Heart County.” She noted a large group is expected to attend a future Business Meeting to discuss their request. The group discussed their calendars. The commissioners reviewed minutes for the week of June 24, 2019. Erik said Denise Unzelman retired July 5. Meeting ended at 9:45 a.m.