2019-08-12 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up August 12, 2019 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Josh Metcalf, Lee Napier, Becky Butler, Josh Metcalf Guests: Susan DeLaire, Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Peter Lahmann, Bob Guenther Recorder: Candace Hallom Agenda Update It was noted that four items - agreement with the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) for Scammon Creek, agreement with the RCO for King Creek Barrier Removal Site, agreement with RCO for MF Newaukum Trib Barrier Removal Site, and Distressed Counties (.09) grant to the University of Washington - had been held from the day’s Business Meeting. WCIF Rates Commissioner Jackson discussed WCIF rates. He noted that, as a whole, Lewis County will see a decrease in rates. Historic Preservation Grant Commissioner Fund discussed a grant application received from the Cowlitz River Valley Historic Society. The applicant is requesting $23,000. Commissioner Fund will look into this further. Stihl Property Commissioner Fund discussed the Stihl property. Erik Martin stated that Eric Eisenberg is researching the issue. Erik explained that Stihl has concerns regarding road frontage requirements. The property is in the UGA and Lewis County has an Interlocal agreement with the City of Centralia. The County is required to follow the cities regulation on building when it comes to properties within the UGA. Erik is working with the City to find out how they would like the County to proceed. Lead Entity Grays Harbor County Commissioner Wes Cormier contacted Commissioner Jackson. Commissioner Cormier asked if Lewis County would be interested in being the lead entity for the Chehalis Basin Partnership. Lee Napier feels that we need clarification on what they want to transfer. Lee Napier also mentioned that she does not feel that we have the capacity to take this on. Rural Broadband Workshop Commissioner Fund discussed the Rural Broadband Workshop on September 16, 2019. Commissioner Fund will represent Lewis County at the workshop. HR 1629 Erik spoke to a letter from FD#5. Daleyn Coleman is researching further and will get back to the BOCC. Shriner The Board agreed to pay for an ad in the Shriner football program. Hearing room audio Candy provided an update on the hearing room audio. Calendars The Board discussed calendars. Announcements Bob Guenther discussed an article in the paper regarding an old growth tree. He asked if the Commissioners were interested, they could get one for the Courthouse. The Commissioners are interested in getting one for the Courthouse. Meeting ended at 9:41 a.m.