2019-08-12 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update August 12, 2019 11:27 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea Guest: Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Candy Hallom Budget Erik discussed the Prosecutor’s (PA) salary. The PA’s salary is tied to the Judge’s salary. Erik asked if the Commissioners want to continue this. If so, the Commissioners will need to take the PA out of the Salary Commission review. Erik will get more details to the board. The budget call letter will go out today. Erik stated this was the first week of the combined Directors’ updates. Erik felt that it went really well. The focus was on three areas: information the County Manager and Commissioners need, information the Directors’ need, and the successes of the departments. Public Works update Public Works is concerned with the progress of Borst Avenue. Public Works is working with the contractor to resolve the issue. Erik updated the board on the Middle Fork, Pigeon Springs, and North Fork road projects. Erik stated that Josh Metcalf is working with WSDOT and the City of Winlock on getting funding streamlined for the Mickelsen Parkway project. Public Works is working on .09 grant for the North Lewis County Industrial Access. If Public Works can get grant funding then the project can move forward with the access revision report. A Build Grant is also being submitted. Josh Metcalf is working on staffing and organizational issues. Tina Hemphill will start as Accounting Manager. Malcolm Bowie, Steve Skinner, and Dan LaFrance will be retiring this year. Community Development update Erik discussed the monthly permit report. He said Lee Napier is working on ways to improve permit time. The Skookumchuck Wind Energy project was issued 37 permits on Friday. The field crew worked on Saturday and visited the sites. Erik explained the Planning Commission’s priorities. The first priority is UGA amendments, second is a rezone, and the third is updates to Title 17. Public Health & Social Services JP is working on HB 1406. There is funding for low-barrier housing. JP is leading the charge regarding the Purple Heart County. Some citizens do not agree with this. The VFW is willing to pay for the signs. Lewis County will continue to move forward with this project. Rep. Ed Orcutt is coming to look at the animal shelter. Public Health asked Commissioner Stamper to join him. Dr. Wood is leaving Thurston County. Her contract with Lewis County is through Thurston County. Lewis County will need to work with Dr. Wood and contract with her directly. 911 / DEM There is a tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement with 911. Erik would like to brief the Board when Commissioner Stamper is present. Steve Mansfield hired a new supervisor in 911. There is a Combined User Committee budget meeting later this week. Personnel Commissioner Jackson asked what the plan is for replacing the Risk Manager. Erik is looking at ways to consolidate positions. In the next couple of weeks, he will have a proposal. Lara discussed a proposal for support staff to split time taking minutes for quorum meetings. Erik will be at training later next week. The APWA conference is in Seattle the second week in September. The Commissioners can get a pass to the Exhibit hall if interested. Meeting ended at 12:23 p.m.