2019-08-26 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up August 26, 2019 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Josh Metcalf, Eric Eisenberg, Becky Butler, County Manager Erik Martin Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Peter Lahmann, Susan DeLaire, Will Rubin Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Stamper made a motion to approve adding two items – approval of warrants and a crossing agreement with Skookumchuck Wind Energy Project – to the day’s Business Meeting agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded. Eric Eisenberg outlined the draft crossing agreement with Skookumchuck Wind Energy Project. Motion passed 3-0. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to approve paying $6,000 to WSAC for the long-term conservation strategy for the marbled murrelet. Commissioner Fund seconded. Commissioner Fund noted that the counties’ contribution suggestions were set up as a sliding scale. Motion passed 3-0. Commissioner Fund discussed WSAC’s passport project. Commissioner Fund said Larry Grove has earned the Professional Finance Officer Award. The group said they would honor him at a future Business Meeting. Commissioner Fund said the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee has requested up to $550,000 to allocate for 2020 tourism projects. Commissioner Stamper said residents of Boone Road have requested that the speed limit be lowered on Boone Road. He said it could have an effect on surrounding roads. Josh Metcalf said there is no posted speed limit, so the state WAC sets it at 50 mph. Josh said a traffic study was completed, and the results indicated enforcement – not a lower speed limit – would be needed. Josh said the road’s accident history also points to the need for enforcement rather than a lowered speed limit. Commissioner Stamper said he would like to work with Public Works to explore expanding WATV use to Districts 1 and 2. Commissioner Jackson said the county needs to gauge public interest on the west side of the county. The commissioners approved minute folders for the weeks of July 22 and Aug. 5, 2019. The commissioners reviewed their calendars. Commissioner Stamper said he met with WSDOT, Toledo Mayor Steve Dobosh and Rep. Herrera Beutler’s office regarding increased signage at the freeway. Meeting ended at 9:45 a.m.