2019-09-04 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update September 4, 2019 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Gary Fredricks, Steve Mansfield, Lee Napier, Malcolm Bowie, Steve Mansfield, JP Anderson, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Doug Carey, Tammy Martin, Lara McRea Guest: Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin announced that JP Anderson has been promoted to Public Health and Social Services Director. Lara McRea introduced the BOCC’s new office assistant, Tammy Martin. Rieva Lester discussed a proclamation recognizing September 11, 2019, as a day of Remembrance and Commemoration. Commissioner Fund asked that someone discuss the 9-11 commemoration and concert planned for Sept. 11 at the Fiddler’s coffee shop. Steve Mansfield discussed a resolution to approve an extension to the Communications Site Agreement between Weyerhaeuser NR Company and Lewis County for the use of a radio repeater site for emergency management communication on Baw Faw Peak and authorizing signatures thereon. JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve an SWMLSWFA Agreement between the Washington Department of Ecology and Lewis County. Steve Walton discussed a resolution to approve an agreement between Lewis County and Darris McDaniel regarding the proposed purchase of properties located in the 100 block of NW Chehalis Ave., and the 400 block of NW North St., Chehalis. Steve said the longest lease agreement for the properties ends in 2023. Commissioner Fund made a motion to move one Presentation, two Consent items and three Deliberation items to the Monday, Sept. 9, 2019, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Malcolm Bowie said Public Works would have two late additions: a resolution to list the bids received and the contractor(s) selected for the Lewis County 2019 Snow Sand Proposal and a resolution for three snow sand sheds. Rieva Lester discussed honoring a Lewis County employee who received the Professional Finance Officer Award. Announcements Steve Walton discussed upcoming and ongoing union negotiations. Doug Carey said Facilities is catching up on projects that were put on hold during the fair and Garlic Fest. Becky Butler said the third-quarter 2019 budget amendment hearing will be Oct. 7. She said 2020 preliminary budgets are due soon. JP discussed his new role, including work on budgets, etc. Steve Wohld said IT coordinating a cybersecurity review of vendors. He said Susan DeLaire left at 9:31 a.m. Malcolm gave an update on various Public Works projects. Erik Martin said he’ll be out of the office most of the following week. He said the Strategic Planning consultant, Tanner, will be on site Sept. 19 and 20. Steve Mansfield discussed Gov. Inslee’s recent drought declaration. He said beginning Sept. 15, non- threatening illegal burn calls will be dispatched to law personnel instead of fire services. Steve said the 911 budget for 2020 has been submitted to the Combined User Committee. He said the CUC has submitted a request for revisions. Gary Fredricks said WSU’s 10-week-long small-farm workshops kick off the following week. Commissioner Fund said the Matilda Jackson courthouse meeting likely will be on hold until spring. She noted the BOCC office has been busy with BOE appeals. She said she will be in Washington, D.C., the following week. Commissioner Jackson said the E911 group continues to work on statewide funding. He said the county will meet again with TCOMM in October. Meeting adjourned at 9:49 a.m.