2019-09-16 Update with BudgetUpdate with Budget September 16, 2019 1:00 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin via phone, Lara McRea, Becky Butler, Tim Fife, and Josh Metcalf Recorder: Candace Hallom Becky Butler stated she has received preliminary budgets from all departments. Becky Butler reviewed the budget details of the departments that have requested increases to their budgets. Becky Butler stated she would spend the next couple of weeks analyzing the budgets. Becky Butler discussed the sheriff’s budget for traffic policing. The 2019 budget for traffic policing is $1.4 million. Josh Metcalf asked if this includes the cost of the Commercial Vehicle Officer (CVO). The CVO position has not been filled. Tim Fife noted the person whom the Sheriff trained for the CVO position has left. The Sheriff has not filled the position. Erik Martin stated previously, the Sheriff was going to be working on getting officers trained for the CVO position. The Sheriff verbally committed to providing the CVO position. Tim Fife stated Public Works put a zero in the budget for the diversion of funds to the traffic policing due to Public Works having other projects that need completed. The projects keep getting pushed back because of the diversion of funds. The Sheriff’s Office does provide Tim Fife with a quarterly bill for traffic policing. Josh Metcalf stated that we are not getting the CVO to enforce overweight vehicles. Therefore, the deferred maintenance is affected even more. Becky Butler stated that the BOCC needs to make a decision regarding the traffic policing budget. Tim Fife will provide information to the Board about what maintenance will be deferred by shifting the funding. Erik Martin stated maintenance has been deferred since the 90’s. Tim Fife stated we are currently on an 11 to 12 year cycle for road maintenance. Commissioner Jackson feels that the County should take out of the budget the funding for the CVO position if the Sheriff is not filling the position. Commissioner Fund stated the Sheriff’s budgets includes more positions. Erik Martin stated that a decision today can change later but for now Becky needs a number for the budget. Erik feels it would be important to set up a meeting between the Commissioners and Public Works to get a better idea of where we are deferring maintenance. This will help the BOCC to make a more informed decision. Erik would like to see the CVO program come back because it can make a difference for road maintenance. Commissioner Jackson recommended starting with the 2019 original number and then give the Sheriff an opportunity to discuss further. The other Commissioners concurred. Becky Butler will draft a memo for the Board to sign. Josh Metcalf and Tim Fife left at 1:57 p.m. Becky Butler discussed a PAF for John Abplanalp. Erik Martin stated this is an FYI for the BOCC. JP Anderson would like to put John Abplanalp in the Deputy Director position. There was discussion regarding a PAF for the Public Disclosure position. Becky Butler discussed the WSU ext. MOU for 2020. Lewis County is budgeted for a full-time director, but is currently only paying for part-time. Commissioner Jackson is meeting with WSU and Cowlitz County to discuss the position further. Erik Martin stated at one time Lewis County was having conversations about having the extension staffed by WSU employees and not county employees. Erik Martin left the meeting at 2:12 p.m. Commissioners Fund and Stamper would like to hear from the 4-H group to find out what they are not getting from the program. Becky Butler discussed Public Health operating transfers. Becky Butler stated that Tamara Hayes is submitting for LTAC funding for the SWW fair DLC position and costs. Tamara did not put anything from the General Fund to cover the DLC position but if LTAC does not approve the full amount then the county will need to look at if further. Meeting adjourned at 2:26 p.m.