2019-09-17 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update September 17, 2019 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Daleyn Coleman, Tamara Martin, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Commissioner Stamper (11:09 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget Becky Butler said Laura Berg would like to serve on the Citizens Budget Committee. Agreement with Judge Samuelson Erik Martin said the county is finalizing its agreement with Judge Samuelson regarding his retirement repayments. Commissioner Fund left at 11:07 a.m. Erik provided details about the agreement. He said RCW caps the repayment amount at 5 percent. He said Judge Samuelson: • Would like the repayment rate be fixed based on his current pay, rather than recalculating the amount each time his pay increases. • Would like a year to pay off the balance -- rather than have the balance taken out of his final check – if he were to leave Lewis County employment. Commissioner Stamper joined at 11:09 a.m. Erik recapped the details of Judge Samuelson’s request. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson approved Judge Samuelson’s two requests. 911/DEM Update Personnel change: Erik said Steve Mansfield is working on succession planning and would like to promote Andy Caldwell to deputy director. 911 Communications 2020 budget revision: Erik said the ILA included costs the county had footed the bill for in the past – including ER&R. He said the 911 budget committee recommended lowering the increase from 10 percent to 7 percent. He said the county is working to honor that request but will make it clear that it will be carried over in following rates if needed. Erik said the 911 budget committee also has concerns about how rates for those in the law group are established. He said the group has requested a change to the model. Erik said the User Group is asking to keep the rates the same, instead of following the model used in the past, which including reviewing and recalculating rates every three years. The commissioners asked Erik to reach out to the communities that would be affected by keeping the rates the same – including Winlock, Chehalis and Centralia – to make sure they’re OK with keeping rates the same instead of reviewing and recalculating the rates. Commissioner Fund returned at 11:26 a.m. Erik recapped the User Group’s request regarding the law group’s rates. Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson asked Erik to reach out to the communities regarding the request about the law group’s rates. Public Works Erik gave the following updates: Project updates: • Borst: Appears to be back on track. • Middle Fork: Paved and open. • Pigeon Springs: Appears to be back on track. • Silverbrook: Mobilization has begun. Utilities: • Water-Sewer District 2 has notified Water-Sewer District 5 that it will be increasing rates • District 5 has indicated a willingness to negotiate a possible county takeover • TCPUD grant: The commissioners reiterated that they are still interested in taking over systems located in Lewis County but currently overseen by Thurston County. Erik noted that Thurston County plans to accept a grant that would limit its ability to transfer ownership to a non- governmental entity. Airport manager: Interviews ongoing. Commissioner Jackson discussed increasing the airport manager position to a full-time rather than a part-time position, noting that Toledo is on the list for the state’s feasibility study regarding a new commercial airport. Commissioner Stamper said it might be worth considering in the future. Human Resources Prosecuting Attorney’s salary: Erik said the BOCC historically has increased the PA’s salary in response to increases to the judges’ salaries, which are updated annually. He said the PA has asked whether the BOCC will do so again this year. Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Fund agreed to increase the PA’s salary for 2019 based on the increases to the judges’ salaries. The commissioners agreed to move forward with having the Salary Commission review the PA’s salary, noting that the commissioners have the final say regarding the Salary Commission’s recommendations, other than what the group decides regarding the commissioners’ pay. At noon, Commissioner Jackson announced that the meeting was being recessed until 1:45 p.m. The meeting resumed at 1:46 p.m. with Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Erik Martin and Lara McRea in attendance. Public Health and Social Services Erik discussed the PHSS Advisory Group’s request regarding funding. Daleyn Coleman joined at 1:49 p.m. Personnel Juvenile mangers: Erik noted that two similar Juvenile manager positions were paid at two different pay grades: one was a 24, while the other was a 25. The commissioners approved normalizing the two manager positions at a grade 25. Munis position: Erik said there has been talk about the need for a Munis point person for training, onboarding, coordinating with Tyler Technologies, etc. He suggested creating a position that would be housed in the BOCC office and funded through the capital funds earmarked for implementation for the first couple of years (and then through the general fund in the subsequent years). He said he would like Becky Butler to oversee the position. Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Jonathan Meyer and Janelle Kambich joined at 1:55 p.m. Erik said he would like Megan Sibbert to fill the Munis point-person position. The commissioners approved creating the Munis position. Public Health and Social Services PHSS Advisory Board: • Recommendations: The commissioners reviewed and approved the PHSS Advisory Board’s other recommendations: o To open the application process for a vacancy on the PHSS Advisory Board. o To appoint Nancy Keaton to succeed Christi Heitschmidt on the PHSS Advisory board. o To provide $80,000 in local document recording fees for youth homelessness. o To pursue the tax revenue made available by HB 1406. o To provide a letter of commitment to support Reliable Enterprises’ grant application. Erik noted that Reliable Enterprises’ “Phase 2” project will support a family housing project. o To amend document recording fee (HB2163) contracts, extending them through June 2020. o To allocate up to $50,000 from Fund 3010 to develop building plans and a cost estimate for a new animal shelter. o To provide $80,000 in local document recording fees (HB2163) over the next two years to support a joint project with Pacific County to serve criminally involved you in Lewis County. Meeting ended at 1:59 p.m.