2019-09-23 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager September 23, 2019 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper (by phone), Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Becky Butler Guests: Chris Murphy, Bill Serrahn, Diane Nelson Recorder: Rieva Lester Central Services Packwood River access: Erik Martin said Lee Grose will take a draft MOU to the Packwood Improvement Club regarding maintenance of the proposed Packwood River park. Chris Murphy said he is interested in who will be responsible for the maintenance of the area. He said he has concerns about the lack of environmental studies because the area is considered a local benefit, while the RCO describes it as an area that will attract visitors from throughout the region. He said a full EIS should be completed. Erik suggested interested parties submit comments during the SEPA and Shoreline comment periods. Chris Murphy left at 11:10 a.m. Budget The commissioners discussed sending a memo regarding the preliminary budget submitted by the Sheriff’s Office. Becky Butler noted that the commissioners approved limitations to cover 2020 salaries, benefits and interfund rates. Erik noted he had spoken to Chief Kimsey regarding the preliminary budget and the Commercial Vehicle Officer position. The group discussed how to proceed regarding the preliminary budget. Erik noted that the preliminary budget from Roads reflects the 2019 level whereas the preliminary budget from the Sheriff’s Office reflects the 2019 level plus a $127,000 increase. The commissioners approved sending the memo and also asking the Sheriff’s Office to resubmit its budget and set up a separate meeting with the commissioners to further discuss the topic. Becky discussed the budget amendment notice presented during the day’s Business Meeting. Strategic Planning Erik discussed Tanner’s meeting the previous week. He said the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC) met with the representatives from Tanner on Sept. 19. Erik said the SPAC and Tanner will review the scope of the project Oct. 3. He said revamping the process will delay the finish product. Diane Nelson and Bill Serrahn left at 11:39 a.m. Central Services / CFP Fair annexation: The City Council will review it again Sept. 24. Cold weather kick-off: The meeting will be at 11 a.m. Oct. 2. Personnel 2020 benefits: Lara McRea said Open Enrollment starts soon for PEBB. She said the plan is to engage key people from each office and department to put together a training team to reach out to offices and departments. Becky Butler said Daleyn Coleman and Cullen Gatten will work on the master submission. Juvenile PAF: Erik said Judge Lawler submitted a PAF requesting a pay increase for Shad Hail, moving him from an E to a J. The group indicated they would review the request during the budget process. Announcements Erik said the Riffe/Mayfield drawdown has begun. Commissioner Fund left at 11:56 a.m. Meeting ended at 11:58 a.m.