2018-01-16 PA UpdateProsecutor’s Update January 16, 2018 2:04 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Jonathan Meyer, Glenn Carter, David Fine, Eric Eisenberg, Ross Petersen, Daleyn Coleman, Janelle Kambich, Archie Smith, Will Halstead, Becky Butler (2:12 p.m.) Guest(s): Justyna Tomtas Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer gave stats on filings. He said filings are up more than 33 percent overall and that staffing has not increased to match that increase in work. Jonathan said the juvenile vacancy has not been filled, so he has nine prosecutor positions filled. Jonathan said he has advertised the position again, this time as a DPA 1. He said, ideally, one more attorney, two paralegals, and a PDR position are needed. He said the PA’s Office is at a tipping point at which additional staffing is needed. He said one felony deputy has more than 100 open cases. Jonathan said staffing has remained virtually unchanged since 2011. Becky Butler joined the meeting at 2:12 p.m. Glenn Carter echoed the need for additional staffing. He said having someone who is trained in litigation would be a big help. Jonathan said the attorneys shouldn’t be doing paralegal work. He said bringing in another DPA II would be roughly $88,000 and a paralegal $55,000 in salaries and benefits. The group discussed the process of filling requests. Jonathan discussed salaries for criminal DPAs. He said the last contract was approved in 2015. He said the PA’s Office has lost several attorneys to private practice due to pay concerns. Janelle Kambich said Lewis County’s pay is among the lowest compared to other open positions throughout the region. Jonathan said he has requested having someone else sent to the bargaining table. Will Halstead said people will stay if they are compensated fairly. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Will and Archie to meet regarding negotiations. PA’s Office to look into the Salary Commission. Eric Eisenberg to look into whether legal affidavits are or could be on the county fee schedule. Commissioner Jackson asked how long it takes to train a new hire. Will said it takes a good two years to fully train an individual. Will and Archie Smith said they are working on a date to meet. Jonathan discussed the group’s formation of an association. Commissioner Fund asked what leads to a meeting of the Salary Commission. Glenn Carter said it may be worthwhile to appoint individuals to the Salary Commission and keep the appointments up to date similarly to how other boards are kept. Archie discussed the Salary Commission process. Commissioner Jackson said it appeared to him that the Salary Commission operates in a manner similar to the Public Facilities District. Commissioner Fund asked the PA’s Office to do some research on the Salary Commission. Jonathan said the Salary Commission reviews all elected positions and then makes recommendations that go before the BOCC. Archie, Daleyn, Becky and Will left at 2:44 p.m. Glenn discussed the PFD’s bond extension request. He said the county is on the hook for the bonds. He said the PFD was to charge $1 per ticket to help with those bonds. He said that has not happened. Glenn said the PFD is asking to extend the bond, which will extend the debt service, with the county on the hook. Glenn and Jonathan said they would attend the two upcoming meetings regarding the PFD. Jonathan expressed reservations about extending the bond when the PFD has not upheld the $1-per- ticket portion of their contract. Commissioner Jackson left at 2:52 and returned at 2:53 p.m. Glenn said he believes legal affidavit fees can be passed on for items such as surplus property sales, etc. Eric Eisenberg said the BOCC could add it to the county fee schedule. Eric said the Constitution dictates that the commissioners decide the county’s procedures regarding the charter process. Eric said the commissioners chose the nomination procedures and can offer a different view of a charter. He said he is the county’s point person in the PA’s Office regarding the charter process. Eric said anyone who is a registered voter and has lived in the county for five years can run to be a freeholder. He said the PA’s Office likely will hold an educational/informational session for the public. Commissioner Fund said her understanding is that politicking will not be allowed at the freeholder meetings. Ross said a draft of the Public Disclosure policy is complete. Rieva Lester said she would post it. At 3:12 p.m., Commissioner Fund announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 12 minutes to discuss pending litigation. At 3:24 p.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 5 minutes. At 3:29 p.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 2 minutes. At 3:31 p.m., Executive Session ended. No decisions were made. Meeting adjourned at 3:33 p.m.