2018-03-12 Meeting regarding ITAsMeeting regarding ITAs March 12, 2018 1:32 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Scott Tinney, COO Brian Cameron of Great Rivers Behavioral Health Organization, Janelle Kambich, Steve Walton, Becky Butler, Jonathan Meyer (1:40 p.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Susie Parker said she recently toured the Cascade facility. Susie said the hearings for here will take place in District Court. Jonathan Meyer joined at 1:40 p.m. Brian Cameron, COO of GRBHO, discussed transportation for clients affected by the Involuntary Treatment Act. Susie said small counties cannot absorb it. Susie further discussed options for secure transport. Susie discussed the following expenses: TO-DO LIST / RECAP Brian Cameron to review transportation funding and to bring forward an interlocal agreement or Memorandum of Understanding. Jonathan said the Prosecutor’s Office would need a full-time attorney (DPA II civil) and a full-time paralegal to handle the 20 to 30 hearings per week. Susie said any case that goes to hearing will trigger a $750 reimbursement to the county. Brian said he tried to be conservative with his revenue estimations. Brian said the $750 per case estimate was based on Cowlitz County’s rates. Jonathan commended GRBHO for providing funding. Becky Butler said the county likely will have to cover costs but that the work is a state mandate. Becky said she wasn’t sure if the GRBHO would accept the county’s 10 percent admin fee. Susie said Ms. Hayes will help provide training. Brian said an interlocal agreement would be needed. Scott said the Clerk’s Office will need another flat-bed scanner and bar scanner. Jonathan asked if the positions could be approved soon as the work will begin in three weeks. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to move forward with the creation of two positions in the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office – a DPA II and a paralegal – and one position in the Clerk’s Office – a deputy clerk – for ITAs. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Brian said GRBHO would provide upfront funding for the first month. Motion passed 3-0. Becky asked Jonathan and Scott to submit a Position Authorization Form (PAF) for each position. Meeting adjourned at 2:09 p.m.